Demodecosis skin disease is provoked by the conditionally pathogenic tick-parasite demodex. It is multiplied only when favorable conditions occur, causing inflammation of surface and deep layers of skin. This microorganism, which is impossible to notice with a naked eye, settles the sebaceous glands, causing a serious cosmetology flaw.
Why mite demodex amazes skin
Demodex refers to the number of patronage ticks. This means that it can peacefully exist in human skin without causing inflammation. But when creating the necessary conditions for breeding, it quickly causes demodecosis. This disease is not hazardous, but it significantly worsens the skin of the skin, causing redness, heavy itching, foci of rash.
To prevent the development of pathology and understand how to treat it, first of all, you need to understand that it provokes it. This:
- blockage of sweat glands;
- allocation of large amounts of skin fat;
- cosmetics abuse with hormonal content;
- skin injuries with subsequent infection;
- immunodeficiency;
- endocrine Dysfunction;
- the age category "65+";
- patology gasts;
- visiting a solarium.
Medical treatment of demodicosis of the face
Stop the livelihood of demodex is quite difficult. To do this, the patient is prescribed funds with antiprotozoic effect. With their help, the oppression of the tick activity and the complete remission of the disease is achieved. At the same time, effective antiallergic agents are selected to remove itching and irritation.
The following drugs are prescribed:
- Ornidazole is a synthetic antiseptic that completely destroys the cell membranes of the skin ticks. On average, the treatment continues 10-20 days, the dose is selected individually and can be from 600 to 1000 ml. Analogs - Ornovyed, Dasolyik, Circle.
- Metrogil - antibacterial tablets or gel to treat protozoal infestations. Treatment is carried out at least two weeks. The dose may be from 800 to 4000 ml per day.
- Suprastin - antiallergic medicine, allowing to remove the discomfort on his face quickly. Treatment continued from 7 to 14 days. At day 25 allowed reception ml drug 2-4 times. Similarly, therapeutic effect has Tavegil, Clemastine, loratadine.
- Selmevit Intensive - vitamin and mineral complex, which is prescribed to improve immune function. The patient is prescribed 3-month course. One pill is taken within 60 minutes after a meal once a day.
An important role is played by the use of external preparations - ointments and creams:
- Demalan - antibacterial cream that is applied to the eyelids and face after cleansing. He removes all signs of inflammation, reduces mites life activity. Its spread over the face and hearing takes place twice a day.
- Prenatsid - ointment and protivointoksikatsionnym with antibacterial action. It is applied to the skin for prevention of infection and removal toksikoallergicheskie reaction.
- Spregal - emulsion or a stable spray antiparasitic activity. Daily skin treatment allows you to quickly get rid of demodex.
- Sulfuric ointment - aggressive towards the subcutaneous mite agent. Ointment causes burns, so do not be applied on the eyelids and lips.
Important! demodekoza treatment may last from 30 days to 1 year, depending on the stage of the disease and the condition of the patient immunity.
Physical therapy procedures for the treatment of demodectic mange
To restore the skin to the patient appoint one of the procedures:
- cryomassage - activates the regeneration of skin cells by the action of frozen nitrogen;
- ozone - provokes a rapid restoration of metabolic processes in all layers of the epidermis;
- phototherapy - antibacterial irradiation aimed at improving the appearance of skin.
- mesotherapy - thanks Microinjectons observed anti-inflammatory effect on the face;
- electrophoresis - it has a local immunostimulant, anti-inflammatory effect.
Important! During the treatment it is necessary to tighten the requirements for personal hygiene.
Strict compliance with prescribed medical regimens, diet correction (it is desirable to eliminate the sweet, spicy, all allergic) and enough facial hygiene - rapid complex tool to get rid of demodectic mange.
Demodecosis is very simply treated with a pharmacy emulsion of benzylbenzoate, diluted with water one to one. Binds quickly, and quickly kills the tick.