Pigment spots on face - causes and treatment

Pigment spots on face - causes and treatment

Pigmentation of the face is a cosmetology defect of the skin, provoked by the negative effect of external factors or diseases of the internal organs. A rare woman of such a flaw on his face does not give discomfort, so the representatives of the weak floor are pigment spots, as a rule, try to remove immediately. How to do it yourself and how will the services of cosmetology salons help?

Why do pigment stains arise on the face?

Skin pigmentation is a signal about her disadvantage. Under the influence of certain factors, the excessive production of melanin occurs, which accumulates in the upper ball of the epidermis, forming dark spots.

The reason for such a skin defect may be:

  • heredity;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • gynecological and endocrine pathologies;
  • urological diseases;
  • violation of the work of the digestive system and the gastrointestinal bodies;
  • deficiency of vitamins and minerals;
  • tuberculosis;
  • glice invasion;
  • sex infections;
  • allergies to medicinal preparations;
  • age-related changes;
  • stress;
  • pregnancy.

Important! Frequent culprits of pigmentation becomes: strong tan, oxygen deficiency, toxic cosmetics (with heavy metals), skin traumatization (burns, ripped wounds).

Folk remedies from pigment spots on the face

From fresh pigment spots you can get rid of simple means. Himself have proven such home recipes:

  • Cucumber mask: Fresh cucumber Sattail on the grater (you can crush the submersible blender), apply on a clean face, wash in 30 minutes.
  • Lemon-yeast mask: ½ Fresh yeast sticks Stir with 1 tbsp. l. Lemon juice. Mask impose on the face, wash in 15-20 minutes.
  • Parsley lotion: ½ Petrushki beam grind, add 100 ml of water, let's draw at least 2-3 hours, strain. Lotion can be used several times a day.
  • Potato-egg mask: Large potatoes dare without removing the peel. Ready potatoes are a fork, take the yolk in a puree, apply to pigment spots in warm form. Mask after cooling, rinse with water.

Cosmetic Procedures for Pigmentation Skin Face

Unfortunately, natural masks are far from always effective. But modern procedures in the cosmetology salon will help to get rid of terrible spots. At the reception at the cosmetologist you can offer such treatment options:

  • Chemical peeling is an update of the surface epidermal ball with the help of chemical exposure to acidic mortar.
  • Grinding with a laser apparatus - such a method is painlessly removes freckles and age-related chloasms.
  • Phototherapeutic treatment - pulse irradiation with light rays. The essence of the procedure consists in absorbing rays by pigment stains with their subsequent lightening.
  • Microdermabrasive method: cleansing the skin from spots by grinding abrasive substances. Spend under local anesthesia.
  • Mesotherapy: The skin makes microinders with bleaching substances, which restores the natural color of the skin.

Important! Cosmetology treatment of pigmentation is the most efficient, albeit expensive method.

Getting rid of pigmentation on the face with whitening creams

The cosmetics industry took care of the beauty of women and released a lot of means whitening the skin. The creams with proven efficacy include the following cosmetics:

  • Achromine is a clinically tested cream capable of removing pigmentation and protect the skin from aggressive UV radiation.
  • Veltels - careful anti-grinding cream. Penetrating into the skin, it discolores the stains, prevents re-formation of pigmentation.
  • Retin-A is an affordable cream that blocks the pathological synthesis of melanin and carries off behind the skin.

Before being taken for the elimination of pigment spots on the face, visit the doctor to clarify the nature of their occurrence. Only the elimination of the provoking factor will allow you to completely get rid of this skin defect.

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Vika 03/12/2018 at 14:30

In about the month, they lightened and reduced pigment spots by bleaching serum-concentrate LibrDerm. Although many funds did not give results

To answer
    Anna 27/04/2019 at 14:32

    And I have serum clarifying Mesotoq. She also brightens pigment stains, aligns the tone and removes redness.

    To answer

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