How to get rid of pigment spots on the face

How to get rid of pigment spots on the face

As often we dream of flawless skin, however, dark spots, freckles and uneven tone spoil our appearance. Instead of resorting to chemical peels or laser operations, try simple home remedies that will be returned to the beauty of your skin.

How to get rid of pigment spots on the face - lemon

The lemon includes acid, which, with regular use, will help whiten the skin in problem places.

  • Flight fresh lemon juice in stains using a cotton swab. After 10 minutes, rinse with water. Do the procedure twice a day a few months before the skin condition improves.
  • Prepare a mask, putting lemon juice with honey (in equal shares). Apply the composition on the skin. Blank face with a warm towel. After 15 minutes, rinse with warm water. Make a mask once a week. For sensitive skin, be sure to dilute lemon juice with water.

How to get rid of pigment spots on the face - Cyre Potatoes

A good whitening property has ordinary raw potatoes.

  • Cleaning potatoes, cut it into large slices. Dolly moisten with water and wipe your face. Rinse the skin with warm water. Make sessions three times a day about a month.

How to get rid of pigment spots on the face - Apple vinegar

Vinegar will not only clarify the skin, but also help restore the natural complexion.

  • Mix the apple vinegar with water (1: 1). Wipe the accuracy of the affected areas. After 3 minutes, remove it with warm water.

How to get rid of pigment spots on the face - Vitamin E

Vitamin E is called "skinsekrak". Being a good antioxidant, it neutralizes the impact of harmful ultraviolet sun rays and restores the skin.

  • Mix two vitamin capsules with a pair of castor oil drops. Apply the composition on pigment stains immediately before bedtime. Rinse the face the next morning. Treatment Continue daily for two weeks.
  • 1 tbsp. l. Scristed papaya Connect with the contents of two capsules of vitamin E. Evenly applines to the skin on the skin. After 20 minutes, rinse with water. Repeat the procedure once a week.
  • Flight the vitamin E oil in the affected area of \u200b\u200bthe skin twice a day to eliminate hyperpigmentation.

How to get rid of pigment spots on the face - turmeric

Turmeric has whitening properties that will help get rid of hyperpigmentation symptoms. In addition, Kurkuma will help protect the skin from infections.

  • Connecting 1 tsp. Powder with lemon juice, apply composition on stains. After 20 minutes, remove it with water. Use the vehicle once a day before taking the soul.
  • Prepare a mixture of 5 tbsp. Powder turmeric and 10 tbsp. milk. Apply it on the affected skin and carefully massage about 5 minutes, then rush.

How to get rid of pigment spots on the face - Aloe Vera

Polysaccharides, which are part of Aloe Vera, remove dead skin cells and contribute to new regeneration.

  • Before going to bed, apply gel on hyperpigmented skin. In the morning, rinse with water. Use gel daily.
  • Connect 2 tbsp. Aloe Vera gel with 0.5 tbsp. Honey. Applying a mixture on the skin, let it dry by naturally. After 20 minutes, rinse with warm water.

How to get rid of pigment spots on the face - orange peeling

It is not necessary to throw away the orange crust, because it contains citric acid and has bleaching properties.

  • A mixture of lemon juice, milk, honey (1h.l.) and dry orange peel powder (1st. L.) Apply on the affected skin. After 20 minutes, carefully dissolve the plots. Wash water. Making the procedure three times a week, you can stimulate the cell renewal and reduce the size of dark skin areas.

How to get rid of pigment spots on the face - avocado

Enriched with fatty acids, vitamin C and oleic acid, avocado effectively reduces manifestation of hyperpigmentation.

  • Having made a homogeneous paste from ripe avocado, apply it to hyperpigmented skin. After half an hour, rinse the face with warm water. Make masks twice a day one month to get positive results.

How to get rid of pigment spots on the face - Almond

Almonds is a rich source of vitamin E, so with increased pigmentation it is indispensable.

  • Soak five almonds in the water. In the morning, remove the walnut from the water and grind, adding milk to it (2 tsp), honey (1 tsp) and a drop of lemon juice. Pred sleep attach the mixture over the affected skin. Morning wash your face with cold water.
  • Regular consumption of almond minimizes the occurrence of hyperpigmentation.

How to get rid of pigment spots on the face - Avoid sunlight

Protect the skin from the Sun using sunscreen with minimal SPF 30.

How to get rid of pigment spots on the face - take care of the diet

The diet plays the last role in the formation of beautiful skin. Include spinach in your diet, coriander, asparagus and other greens, saturated with vitamin A. Drink plenty of water and have a more fruit as possible - it will help to wash toxins from the body.

How to get rid of pigment spots on the face - conducting personal hygiene

You can use the best means, but without proper hygiene, the skin will not be healthy. Try to take a bath regularly, wiping the body with a dry soft towel. Do not forget to clean, tone, moisturize and depart the skin using the scrub.

Select any of the listed tips and regularly apply it at least a month to feel the result. The main thing is to find your own method that suits you.

Comments leave a comment
Tanya 03/13/2018 at 8:04.

I feel good with pigmentation helps to fight the Laura-serum and rubbing the face of ice cubes in the morning. I don't even know that from this acts better ... But after a month later, the skin has become brighter, pigment stains are almost not visible)

To answer
Anna 27/04/2019 at 14:34

I was helped by whitening serum-concentrate LibrDers. For the month of stains became lighter and less

To answer
    Irina 09/14/2019 at 0:04.

    i tried the lighter concentrate of Mesotoq, after it, even some stains left and the skin tone was much smaller. I also want to celebrate vacuum packaging, it retains all the properties of the cream to the last drop, as the cream with air does not contact and does not oxidize

    To answer

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