What is pancreatitis

What is pancreatitis

« Rancreas."That translated means" all of meat ". It is so called the ancient Greek doctors of the pancreas. It is responsible for digestion, regulates metabolic and other processes, produces such important hormones as insulin, glucagon. Inflammation of this body in today's medicine is called Pancreatitis. What it is and why occurs, let's try to figure it out below.

What is pancreatitis?

No matter how terribly sounded, but on an affordable, simple manual language - pancreatitis, this is self-eating the pancreas. It happens because of the inflammation of the body tissue, which leads to a violation of its work.

Normally, enzymes that produce pancreas for processing different products are thrown into a duodenum, where food particles dissolve. With pancreatitis, emissions does not occur. Enzymes accumulate in tissues, splitting (digesting) pancreatic cells.

Acute and chronic pancreatitis, what is the difference?

Chronic pancreatitis Called constantly present inflammation caused by certain factors or diseases, which has periods of exacerbation and remission. With this form of the disease, a person is diagnosed with pancreatic deficiency. Since "eaten" organ tissues are replaced by connecting tissues that are not able to allocate digestive enzymes. As a consequence, violation of the work of the entire digestive system is developing.

At acute form of the disease The inflammatory process develops very rapidly, which leads to irreversible changes in the tissues of the gland itself. In the absence of timely proper treatment, the disintegration products of the pancreas tissue are washed into the bloodstream. With blood, they are distributed throughout the body and damage such organs as heart, kidneys, liver, lungs and even the brain. Sometimes the acute form of pancreatitis "released on samonek" can lead to a fatal outcome.

Dry statistics or what can provoke the development of pancreatitis?

As an independent disease, pancreatitis develops quite rarely. More often the "predecessor" of violations of the pancreas, there are certain factors (overeating, intoxication, injuries) or gastrointestinal disease. These medical statistics show that the main provocateurs of the development of the disease are:

  • 40% - alcoholism. He ranks first in the "ranking" of the root cause of pancreatitis. Most alcoholics have destructive disorders or necrosis of the pancreatic tissue.
  • 30% - gallway disease. Patients with gall-eyed disease are obtained in the "gift" pancreatitis as a concomitant disease.
  • 20% - obesity. Usually obesity begins with overeating and use of unhealthy food, and this is a "straight road" to pancreatitis.
  • 5-8% - injuries, intoxication. In this percentage group, pancreatitis is a consequence of factors of independent patient.
  • 2% - heredity. Gene predisposition and congenital defects can also cause pancreatitis.

Diagnosis of pancreatitis is not a sentence. Correctly designated treatment corresponding to a diet, refusal of bad habits, will help cope with the ailment. Watch your health and be healthy!

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