How to treat pancreatitis

How to treat pancreatitis

With age, people have various diseases. Pancreatitis announces that there is an inflammatory process in the pancreas. In general, the treatment of pancreatitis is said: cold, hunger, peace. But let's learn about the treatment a little more.

How to treat pancreatitis - adhere to a diet

  • With pancreatitis, you should sit on a strict diet.
  • Alcohol is prohibited, you can not eat fat and acute.
  • It is advisable to cook or bake food.
  • It is advisable to grind all products well.
  • Eat often, but in small portions every three hours.
    Vegetable soups, cereals (buckwheat, rice, oatmeal, semolina), low -fat boiled meat, kefir and fermented, yogurt, baked vegetables, baked fruits or in the form of compote and jelly are allowed. Of the sweets - jelly (cooked independently, not from the package) and marshmallows. Of the drinks, water without gas, rosehip decoction, compote and jelly, weak tea are recommended.

How to treat pancreatitis - take drugs

  • Pancreatin - help to break down food, which reduces the load on the pancreas.
  • Festal - reduces acidity in the stomach.
  • Mesim - a pancreatic enzyme, is taken during meals.
  • To eliminate pain, you can take a drotaverin or no-shpu.

How to treat pancreatitis - get rid of cholelithiasis

The main provocateur of pancreatitis is the biliary disease. Unstable nutrition, hormonal disorders, sedentary lifestyle, starvation, heredity are the causes that contribute to the formation of stones. In the presence of such a disease, exclude fatty foods from the menu, eat rationally and slightly load the body physically.

How to treat pancreatitis - check for other diseases

The presence of diabetes or disorders in the endocrine system can also contribute to the development of pancreatitis. Take tests and visit doctors to exclude these diseases.

Trust your health to doctors, they will tell you the best treatment options. Also monitor the correctness of nutrition and compliance with a specialized diet. Take medications prescribed by a doctor, support the body in good shape. Take care of your health and do not neglect the advice of doctors.

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