What is Mioma

What is Mioma

Today's ecology and the way of life led to the fact that each 3 woman is 45-50 years old has Mioma. And young representatives of the beautiful half of humanity can hear this diagnosis of 20-25 years. What is this "attack" such - the mioma of the uterus? Let's deal with.

What is my color?

Misa called a benign tumorwhich grows in the tissues of the uterus. The tumor is similar to a nodular tangle and can be localized both on the outer walls of the uterus and in its cavity. This is usually education from several millimeters to several centimeters. But in medicine recorded a case, removing myoma weighing 63 kg.

It should be noted that mioma, no under what conditions "reverse" in malignant education can not. But if at least one small education appeared, then you should wait for the second, third etc. That is why it is called multiple tumor.

What happens inside? Etiology of the disease

The main version of the appearance of myoma is the excess of female sex hormones. When estrogens are produced significantly more active than progesterone . Mioma to develop can only in the level of reproductive ageSince in this period, the ovaries actively produce estrogens. During the functioning of the ovaries, the momas grows (at best, it just remains stable). When menopause comes, the new nodes of the Mioma cannot appear, but the available, without having an "estrogen feed" to decrease in size.

Causes of the appearance of Moma uterus

On the question why myoma appears, a unambiguous answer, modern science has not yet given. But a number of reasons (factors) have already been allocated that can provoke its appearance. These include:

  • Heredity. If there was such pathology in the female line in the family, then the predisposition to the appearance of Misa is not anywhere. But, this does not mean that the disease will certainly manifest.
  • Hormonal imbalance. The more estrogen production is, the greater the risk of developing fibroids. Reservation that produce this hormone can not only ovaries, but fat tissue. Therefore, watch your weight is so important.
  • Mechanical damage to the uterine wall. Typically, these effects were observed after the abortion, cesarean delivery, gynecological surgery involving the uterus.
  • Irregular sexual life and a sedentary lifestyle leads to stagnation of blood in the pelvic organs. And this is a favorable factor for the development of fibroids.

symptomatology of the disease

Most often asymptomatic pathology develops. So many women know about fibroids accidentally during the "unplanned" inspection, while it already has a fairly large amount. If it is accompanied by symptoms, the woman may notice the disease:

  • increase the duration of menstruation, the allocation dark clots during it;
  • straining feelings and discomfort in the area of \u200b\u200bsmall pelvis;
  • back pain;
  • pain during intercourse;
  • increase in the abdomen;
  • with urinary system problems and bowel due to increased growths.

Who is at risk?

More likely to develop fibroids certain groups of women. The "zone" fall risk women:

  1. I do not give birth, age 30-35 years.
  2. In that first period came later (17-19 years).
  3. Having the practice of abortion.
  4. Taking hormonal preparations with a high content of female sex hormones.
  5. With excess weight.
  6. From a genetic predisposition.

Of pathology can not hide, but to minimize the risk of its development is possible. Therefore it is necessary to reconsider their lifestyle and be more attentive to their health.

Comments leave a comment
Lida 11/21/2019 at 9:28 am

I, unfortunately, have a form of fibroids was that without the operation was not enough. Made it, but still enormous risks of relapse ... worried ... Course accept indole fort (on shop.evalar ordering, so it is more convenient), well, I continue to sit on hormones. So far, everything is fine, God forbid, to continue so it was ... All the same surgery -vesch not the most pleasant ...


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