What is cholesterol

What is cholesterol

Cholesterol - The substance about which all the elderly people having problems with the cardiovascular system. They are frightened by the youth "hanging" in fast powders. But answer the question what is his danger and where he is coming from Most of the population of our planet makes it difficult. Therefore, in this article, let's try to explain "on the fingers" what cholesterol is.

What is cholesterol?

Cholesterol is a special fat. Scientific name lipid. Without it, the human body cannot function normally. It concentrates in the plasma membrane of the cell cells and a lot of "functional responsibilities" is entrusted to it. With its help, bile acids, corticosteroid and sex hormones, vitamin D and other vital elements are synthesized. But since he is so necessary to human body, then why cholesterol is called dangerous?

How does cholesterol appear in our organism?

The main manufacturer of own cholesterol is our liver. It produces up to 50% of this substance. 15% are produced by the intestine and 35% is produced by the largest human body - the skin. All this independently produced cholesterol is 80% concentrated in tissues. The remaining 20% \u200b\u200bfall into the body with food. His molecules that fell from food in the stomach are absorbed into the intestinal walls, from where they get into the blood, where they become part of lipoproteins. Lipoproteins are substances consisting of cholesterol (fat) and protein cells.

What is cholesterol? Types of lipoprotein

In medicine, compounds containing cholesterol (lipoproteins) are divided into three main types:

  1. Triglycerides - Local in blood plasma and called blood fats. They accumulate in fatty tissues and are used if necessary. Triglycerides are processed in calories under the control of certain hormones.
  2. High density lipoproteins (HDL). Its purpose to transfer cholesterol from cells to the liver, where it is split and excreted from the body.
  3. Low density lipoproteins (LDL). Perform cholesterol delivery feature to cells. If LDB delivers a lot of cholesterol and cells are not able to use it, then the increase in these "transporters" can occur.

What is the danger of cholesterol or where is good and bad?

More recently, the cholesterol has not mentioned at all. But what is evil, know everything around. After all, it is precisely he provokes accumulation in vessels, so-called atherosclerotic plaques. Scientists have proven that in the human body successfully gets along and "bad" and "good" cholesterol. So who, is who?

  • TO Good Believe HDL. It is involved in the metabolism process, helps produce the necessary elements the necessary organism. It is included in cell membranes.
  • Bloomy Called LDL. If it is present in the body within the normal range, there is nothing to fear. But with increasing poor cholesterol, hemodynamics in the body can be broken. This fact is aggravated by the fact that under certain reactions (oxidation of free radicals), the HDL can become poor cholesterol.

Do not avoid problems called cholesterol in the body, and refer to specialists for help. Watch a healthy lifestyle, eat right and cholesterol deposition on the walls of the vessels will bypass you.

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Victor 10/10/2019 at 11:27

In fact, many do not even recognize about what a huge role he plays for the body ... I have been promoted and the doctor immediately said that the risks of cardiovascular diseases significantly increase. Therefore, atheroklefit Bio immediately began to take and tincture on garlic drink. Pah-pah, led everything, the soul calmed down)

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