How to reduce cholesterol in blood

How to reduce cholesterol in blood

Everyone knows that if in the blood is elevated cholesterol, then it is dangerous to human health. Cholesterol is a construction material synthesized by the liver for vessels, which comes with food inside the organism. It is dangerous cholesterol, which is transformed by the cell. It remains on blood vessels and prevents blood passage. Thus, the organs suffer from oxygen fasting and work incorrectly. The most important problem is the formation of blood clots, overlapping the artery to supply the blood body. If the thrombus closes access to the blood flow of an important human body, then this can lead to death. For this reason, it is very important to follow the indicator of cholesterol to people who have overweight, heart diseases, hypertension. This can be done if you stick to the diet and a normal lifestyle.

How to reduce cholesterol in the blood - a refusal of bad habits

First of all, you need to abandon smoking, as well as the use of a large amount of alcohol. But at the same time, the daily reception of a spoon of vodka and a glass of wine can reduce the cholesterol content in the blood. Excessive taking alcohol leads to an imbalance of useful and harmful cholesterol in favor of the latter. Each repurchased cigarette worsens the state of the vessels, which leads to severe recovery.

How to reduce cholesterol in blood - drugs

Today there are plenty of drugs, which stabilize the cholesterol content, as well as dissolving plaqueson the walls of the vessels. Often, doctors prescribe such preparations for the prevention of elderly people. There are two groups of cholesterol preparations - this statins and fibratsstill need to take Omega 3, lipoevoy Acid.

How to reduce cholesterol in the blood - an active lifestyle

If you correctly choose physical exertion, it will reduce cholesterol. The most effective occupation is the walking. Reducing cholesterol indicator is observed with long walks at an average pace. You can also ride a bike, swimming and dancing. The physical activity should last at least half an hour and 5 times a week.

How to reduce cholesterol in blood - folk remedies

Recipes of traditional medicine helps for cleaning vessels and return elasticity.

  • Olive Oil with garlic. Grind 2 heads of garlic and pour them with oil (two glasses). Let it stand for seven days. Then add oil to food.
  • Alcohol and garlic. Take a 350 g of crushed alcohol. Then insist the resulting mixture for about 10 days. Take into food with milk for twenty drops three times a day.
  • Seeds Ukrop, Valerian, honey. On half liter Honey take 200 grams of dill seeds, 2 spoons of Valerian root and pour boiling water (2 liters). Insist the mixture of the mixture for 24 hours. Take a spoon throughout the day.

How to reduce cholesterol in blood - diet

If necessary, reduce cholesterol levels, it is necessary:

  • Reduce fat consumption. Saturated fats increase cholesterol content. Therefore, you need to follow the use of meat, oil, cheese and oils. It is best to replace them with seafood, bird and dairy products. Refined oil replace on olive. It has in the composition mononanasted Fat, like nuts, peanut butter. It is important not to add such fats to the diet, but to replace them.
  • Enable legumes into the daily diet. Beans have a fiber soluble in water - this is pectin. With it, it is possible to remove cholesterol. According to research, with a daily reception of 1.5 glasses of boiled beans per day, cholesterol levels are reduced by 20% in twenty days. Therefore, you need to use marine, soy and black beans.
  • Reduce Sweet consumption. Increased level of glucose leads to the fact that it is converted into triglycerides, LPONP. And this is noticeable in the case of an enlarged cholesterol. To eliminate fats there is a small amount of sweet.
  • Use Laminaria (sea cabbage). With it, the blood clots are incorporated, excluding the growth of thrombus. Iodine does not allow to form plaque on arterial walls.

How to reduce cholesterol in the blood - elimination of stressful situations

In stress in the blood of a person, adrenaline, serotonin, suspension cells of arteries and increasing intercellular distances in which are formed atheromatous Plaques. To cope with stress, it is necessary to normalize an increased sense of responsibility. If success is achieved by the price of weakened health, it depreciates. It is very important to limit yourself to achieve goals. It is very important to rest regularly, not work in the evenings and on vacation.

How to reduce cholesterol in the blood - weight normalization

First you need to stop moving. Start playing sports to reduce weight and adipose tissue. Excessive weight is capable of forming not due to the individual characteristics of the body, but in the case of changing lifestyle. For example, when retireing, the portion of the received food remains the same, and the waste of energy is reduced. If you add a physical activity, it will help to reduce weight and cholesterol. In obesity, it should be extremely careful, because the run is an increased load, which is contraindicated to people with hypertension, shortness of breath. First you need to reduce weight with static exercises.

If the degree of cholesterol reaches a dangerous mark, the doctors prescribe all sorts of treatments for rapid decline. But besides medical drugs, it is very important to change the lifestyle.

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Zhenya 10/10/2019 at 11:26.

Of course, there are many different things ... But I myself atheroclefit Bio only took, and from the folk remedies - the price of garlic and lemon. I think it was all that all together helped. Cholesterol gradually dropped to the norm, it calmed me down ... all the same scares when he is high ... vessels and heart is hard to treat ...

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