What is agar-agar

What is agar-agar

Agar-Agar (Japanese gelatin, Bengal fish glue) is known all over the world as a substance with strong geling properties-powder, granules or thin records swelling in water. To find out the origin of such an unusual name, we turn to the Malay language - it means "algae", because This product is extracted from brown and red algae. Mostly from those who live in the Pacific Ocean and the White Sea.

For the first time, this adhesive was noticed in Japan and Malaysia. First, the same jelly made of brown algae was eaten for food. A little later they began to evaporate them to get a neutral substance that did not have color and smell. Such food was considered extremely useful, because it contains a large amount of iodine, as well as iron, healthy salts, important acids. Namely, folic, glucorone, pyrovo -native. During the production of agar, the algae is washed and cleaned, the alkali and water are treated using tandem. Then the stages follow - extraction, filtration and hardening. After the mass is pressed, dried and crushed.

Due to its properties, to form a dense jelly in water, agar-agar, which does not melt even when heated, is used as a plant substitute for gelatin in the food industry. A few grams of this powder will help any liquid become gel -like. But at the same time, it is completely dissolved only in water, which is characterized by a high temperature - more than 90 degrees Celsius. If the water is cold, agar-agar does not dissolve. It is the highest (white, yellowish or gray) and first grade (saturatedly yellow).

-Agar Ukraine

On its basis, all kinds of confectionery and sweets are made - marmalade, marshmallows, chewing sweets, souffle, mousses, jam, jelly, puddings, ice cream. Agar is very popular, as it does not add calorie to the product, which gelatin cannot boast. In addition, if you overdo it with Agar, you will not feel any undesirable taste. And geling properties are much better: it surpasses the usual gelatin ten times, because it freezes faster and does not need thorough mixing thoroughly.

Jelly made of algae is used for medical purposes. It is not at all absorbed by the human body, passing transit. At this time, agar-agar captures a harmful microflora from the intestines, thus stimulating its peristalsis and acting as a probiotic. The substance cleanses the liver of harmful compounds, such as excess bile. It is also useful in the prevention of breast cancer, makes it strong light, helps with hemorrhoids. In pharmacies, agar -based drugs are sold in the form of dragees or emulsions that have a small laxative effect. Since agar-agar contains a lot of iodine, it is recommended to be added to food to make up for iodine deficiency and establish the thyroid gland.


Agar-Agar is known for its miraculous properties in such a difficult matter, probably known to every woman-the fight against excess weight. Dishes prepared from jelly are not a source of calories, but at the same time cause a feeling of satiety and filling of the stomach due to the content of gross fibers, accelerate metabolism, quickly removed from the intestines, and also draw into themselves part of food fats. Therefore, when losing weight, agar-agar is added in soups-puree, pouring with lean meat, fruit desserts without adding sugar. Partially, such properties are attributed to the brans, the use of which read in our article.

However, when applying this miracle, do not be zealous. It is better to consult a doctor in advance. If you have problems with the intestines, then agar-agar can bring some kind of inconvenience due to its laxative properties. The combination of this jelly with some drugs can cause an allergic reaction, redness on the skin. Do not take agar along with chocolate, tea, products, which include sorrel acid, wine and fruit vinegar.

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