What can be made of watermelon

What can be made of watermelon

Dishes with watermelon recently very popular. This berry is the main ingredient in jam, jam, salads and cocktails. It is perfectly combined with cheese, greens and spices. From the watermelon you can make a marinade for salmon, and the juice of this berry perfectly quenches thirst. Many people are accustomed to drinking a crude product, but putting a little fantasy and imagination will be able to create original and delicious things.


Grilled roasted watermelon acquires a juicy and crisp taste with a sweet crust. And in combination with feta cheese, Lyme juice, mint sprig dish gets a savory aroma and taste.
Salad ingredients:

  • 6 pieces of watermelon (length -7 cm, width 1.5 cm).
  • Several spoons of olive oil.
  • Lime.
  • Feta Cheese - 150
  • Mint leaves.
  • Different greens.
  • Pumpkin seeds.

Stages of cooking snacks:

  • To start, heat the grill and fry the slices of watermelon on both sides.
  • Prepare sauce from lime juice, oil and salt.
  • Put different greens on the dish, then fried watermelon with feta, pour sauce.
  • Decorating salad with pumpkin seeds.


Jam from the watermelon has a light texture, rich taste. Due to which it is often used for dairy desserts. It will take sugar, lime and watermelon for cooking.

  • Clean the flesh from seeds, then cut into slices.
  • Grate the gravel of Lyme and grind the flesh.
  • Sugar to connect with lemon and wait until he allocates juice.
  • Place all of the above in the container and peel on weak fire.
  • Beat the blender mass and put it in pre-sterilized banks, then close the lids.


Prepare mint twigs, lime, sugar, white rum, watermelon. Preparation steps:

  • Take the leaves of mint, lime, sugar. Melt the ingredients in the brush.
  • To attach watermelon to the resulting mass and press it slightly.
  • Before serving, add white rum and ice fragments.

Watermelon Tsukati

  • For the preparation of the candle, you need to cut the watermelon pulp with crusts with a thickness of 1 cm.
  • Place your crusts in the container with water and put on the stove. After they boil back and drain the water. Fall asleep sugar into water and boil.
  • Add crusts in syrup and slaughter for another 10 minutes. After a day, once again boil 10 minutes.
  • In order for the syrup to be absorbed into the crust, you need to repeat the procedure for 4 days. He boosting the mass of the fifth time to add a surgery of the lemon zest.
  • Then take the baking sheet and put it with paper, pour out the mass and dry it.

Each independently determines the degree of readiness: Cuts may be soft or dry. So that they do not stick together need to sprinkle them with starch.

Jelly in the halves of watermelon

  • Washing watermelon cut into 2 parts and get the pulp so that the walls remain smooth.
  • Boil the water and hold half a minute over the ferry.
  • Throw the flesh of the watermelon.
  • Prepare fruit. Grapes, cherry, pear, apricot Clear from the bones and from the peel, remove the core. Cut the fruit with cubes with a grape size.
  • For sugar syrup, you will need half a liter of water and 200 grams of sugar. Pieces of fruits need to be lowered into syrup and peck a couple of minutes.
  • Dissate gelatin in water.
  • In the fruit decoction to put watermelon flesh, wine, cinnamon and sugar. Boil the mass and hold on the fire for 2 minutes. In the cooled mixture to place gelatin.
  • Pieces of fruit put in the peel of the watermelon, pour them with syrup and remove into the refrigerator. When the mass is freezing to pour another portion and remove again in the cold place. After 2 halves of berries are filled to remove in the refrigerator for 5 hours.

The finished product arbitrarily cut and lay out on the plate.


The drink is prepared from juicy watermelon and milk with the addition of ice. Shake gently pink shade is like a consistency on juice. A frothy drink does not have a doctrous taste, so it will come to many people.
First you need to freeze the berry, cutting it on slices and wrapped in paper. Thanks to this, watermelon will not glue and can be obtained by portions.

  • Get out of the freezer several pieces of berries, pour a glass of milk and prepare several sugar spoons.
  • Mix products and beat the blender.
  • Mass must have a contestation of a milk cocktail.

Refreshing water

Change the soda for thickening thirst can be natural watermelon drink. Moreover, if it is very easy to cook:

  • Take the flesh of berries and water, beat in a blender.
  • If the mashed pot is not enough sweet, add sugar.
  • Strain the mass with the help of sieves.
  • Add mint and beat a blender again. Strain the resulting mass.
  • Cool and serve in beautiful glasses.

All recipes with the main component of watermelon are simple and affordable, so proceed to cooking right now!

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