How to make a strawberry smoothie

How to make a strawberry smoothie

Strawberry cocktail - a source of vitamins and minerals. If you feel sluggish or have not slept, the drink will help restore energy and charge the body with vivacity for the whole day. Strawberry is good because it is easy to freeze. To create a cocktail, you can use frozen berries, while it does not lose its beneficial properties. In this article you will find recipes for the top 5 popular strawberry cocktails.

A classic recipe

Cocktail cooked very quickly and easily. Suggested to acquire ingredients that are part of the beverage quality. Cocktail prepared with the help of a blender.

Necessary ingredients:

  • strawberries (fresh or frozen) - 150 g;
  • milk (2.5% fat) - 150 ml .;
  • vanilla Ice Cream - 50 g;
  • vanilla essence - 2 drops;
  • fresh mint - for decoration.

If you use frozen berries, they do not require pre-defrost. They need to send in a blender frozen. Fresh strawberries should be washed under running water and remove the stalk.

  • Step 1 - berry prepared to move in the bowl of a blender, pour the cold milk and turn the blender on medium power for 15 seconds .;
  • Step 2 - add ice cream and vanilla essence (can be replaced by an ordinary vanilla, but the taste of spices will be less pronounced);
  • 3 step - turn the blender at full capacity and beating 40-50 seconds. until a slight foam.

Ready cocktail is poured into the prepared glasses, decorate with fresh mint leaves.

Cocktail strawberry "Recuperation"

After a hard workout or other active exercise, the human body must be rejuvenated. Special strawberry smoothie will do it!

  • strawberry - 150;.
  • banana (medium size) - 1 pc .;
  • ground ginger - 3 g .;
  • milk (non-fat) - 150 ml .;
  • liquid honey - 1 tablespoon

Also for the preparation of cocktails you can use soymilk.

  • 1 step - prepare strawberry berries, banana clean and cut into small circles;
  • 2 step - to move the blender to the bowl, pour 50 ml. milk and beat 40 sec.;
  • 3 step - enter honey, the remaining milk and ginger and turn on the blender for another 40-60 seconds;
  • 4 step - ready-made drink and drink immediately after cooking for maximum benefit.

Natural Strawberry Protein Cocktail at Home

Receiving a protein cocktail after training contributes to a healthy weight loss, an increase in fat burning and a beautiful embossed body. It is recommended to use both women and men. Prepare such a useful drink is very simple.

Necessary ingredients:

  • strawberry - 150 g;
  • cottage cheese low-fat - 150 g;
  • milk (non-fat) - 150 ml .;
  • chicken egg - 1 pc.

Drinking such a cocktail before or after each workout, you can easily lose weight and not gain weight again.

  • 1 step is a strawberry to connect with cottage cheese, move to the bowl of the blender and beat 40 seconds. before the formation of a homogeneous mass, resembling yogurt;
  • 2 step - boil the egg by screwing, clean and separate the protein from the yolk;
  • 3 step - in the container of the blender add protein and pour with milk;
  • 4 step - beat another 1 min.

At will, you can add 0.5 tsp in a cocktail liquid honey.

Strawberry alcoholic cocktail "Merry mood"

If you wish to surprise your guests an unusual alcoholic beverage, then be sure to prepare a strawberry cocktail on this recipe.

Necessary ingredients:

  • ice - 3-4 cubes;
  • strawberry - 50 g;
  • champagne (for your taste) - 150 ml.
  • sugar - 1 tsp.

The proportions of the ingredients are designed for 1 portion.

  • 1 step - ice to grind to the status of small crumbs;
  • 2 step - prepared berries flip to the state of puree with the help of a blender;
  • 3 step - strawberry puree add sugar mix and remove in the refrigerator for 30-40 minutes;
  • 4 Step - In a cocktail glass, shock puree and ice, pour champagne.

Homemade strawberry mochito

Such a non-alcoholic drink will help children.

Necessary ingredients:

  • strawberry puree - 50 g;
  • fresh mint - 5 leaves;
  • sprite - 150 ml.;
  • ice - 3 cubes;
  • lime (medium size) - 1 pc.

Also lime you can replace lemon.

  • 1 step - crush ice, shifting into a large glass;
  • 2 step - mint leaflers wash and put on ice;
  • 3 step - lime cut in half and squeeze out of one half of juice;
  • 4 step - strawberry puree lay out on top of ice, the remaining lime cut on the slices, put on strawberries;
  • 5 step - pour sprite and decorate berry and mint.

Now you know how to make the most delicious strawberry cocktails and you can delight yourself and your close drinking drink.

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