What can be made of white currant

What can be made of white currant

White currant use is undoubted. It is very loved for a favorable effect on the heart with vessels due to iron and potassium contained in it, as well as the ability to clean blood from heavy metals salts. This unique property is obliged to have a large number of pectin and that is why different dishes from it are so popular, especially in the winter time, when the body is so lacking vitamins.


In winter, the body needs sweet and useful, as Wolf appetite awakens winter cold. Jam is a favorite delicacy of adults and children, but white currant jam also differs from all other ease of preparation. Would need:

  • 1 kg white currant
  • 1.2 kg of sugar
  • Boiled water
  • Capacity for jam


  1. Berries wash and purified from fruits. If this does not do or skip a few, then the taste will be spoiled, and the jam itself will quickly skis. After cleaning the berries are dried, racing in a thin layer on a paper towel.
  2. Then the berries are shifted into the container, pulling the layer behind the layer of sugar from the ratio of 1: 1, measuring sugar and berries are best hot. When all berries are covered with sugar, the container is transferred to a cool place for 8 o'clock minimum.
  3. The remaining sugar is attached to about 90g boiled water and brought to a boil in bulk capacity. When the syrup boils, berries in sugar fall asleep and boils on a small fire.
  4. Jam is considered ready when the berry peel becomes transparent. Then it is cooled and decomposed on sterilized banks.

Candied fruit

White currant chunks are rather unusual, tasty and useful delicacy, which can please children for a whole year. To prepare such a treat, you will need:

  • 1 kg white currant
  • 1.2 kg of sugar
  • 300 ml of water
  • Gauze

Cooking method:

  1. The berries are washed and cleaned from plodonozhek.V this time, pour the sugar water and put on fire. Enough of five minutes to a syrup prepared, then it is filtered through gauze, her words in multiple layers. Strained syrup bring to the boil again, it would take 7 minutes.
  2. Then add the currants in it and boil for 5 minutes, then removed from heat and insist 10 hours.
    When they expire, a container of syrup once again put on fire and cook until cooked as jam. When it boils container contents poured into a colander. Dripped-off syrup is poured into the banks and keep as jam, berries and allowed to cool in a colander.
  3. On the flat, wide dish sprinkled sugar and spread on top of it handfuls of berries for 10-12 pieces. The dish is put in an oven and dried at 40 degrees for 3 hours.
  4. Then, take out the dish, berries rolled into balls, sugar and sprinkled again put to dry in an oven at 40 degrees 3 h. To avoid drying, candied fruit roll up to the banks.


Due contained in a white currant berry puree pectin thickens itself in the bright yellow jelly, so beloved children. For this recipe, use a crumpled berries, deprived of his presentable appearance. Cooking will need:

  • 500 g of sugar
  • 1 kg white currant

Cooking method:

  1. Berries wash and remove the stalk. Then berry pyuriruyut using a blender instead of a meat grinder. This will ensure the best grinding, because the berries themselves are very small. In addition, thanks to the blender skin particles berries will not be felt in the jelly.
  2. During the grinding bowl of a blender berries fall asleep gradually, in small handfuls. The resulting mass is rubbed through a sieve, and after through cheesecloth to jelly was uniform and it did not meet the bone. The resulting squeeze lay, then from it we can cook marmalade.
  3. Then, in the resulting puree poured sugar. Its amount depends on the jelly storage conditions: if the jellies are planning to hold in the refrigerator, then add sugar in a ratio of 1: 1. If, however, it will keep in the room, you need twice as much sugar.
  4. The juice is heated in an enamel container until sugar is dissolved. In the process, stir constantly with a wooden spoon to a grain of sugar does not stick to the bottom. In any case it is impossible to bring the juice to a boil.
    After pouring on banks and complete the pour sauce becomes gelatinous.


Pomace remaining after the preparation of jelly, you can also put into circulation, to cook a delicious and rich in vitamins marmalade. Ingredients:

  • 1 kg berry pomace
  • 700 g of sugar


  1. The cake is sprinkled in a small amount of water. If it turned out less than a kilogram, you can add fresh berries to it. Then they are passed through the meat grinder, and then wipe through the sieve. It is necessary so that the puree was homogeneous. It is put on a small fire in the enameled capacity and gradually sleep sugar.
  2. If the mass begins to thicken, a couple of arts are added to it. Waters, constantly stirring the mixture itself. Varka will last 25 minutes.
  3. After boiling, marmalade will weigh exactly 1 kg. His readiness checking the drop of a drop of a mixture to a plate - if it does not grow, it means he is ready. You can pour it into forms and cool in the refrigerator. The frozen marmalade is sprinkled with sugar powder.

From white currant, you can make many different recipes that differ simplicity of cooking and health benefits.

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