How to make a jam from black currant?

How to make a jam from black currant?

Currant is leading the number of vitamins among other berries. It is preparing jam from it. But the most delicious is the fragrant jam. It has no whole fruit, and the jam is distinguished by liquid consistency. In the summer you can make blanks for the winter and enjoy the berry jam during tea drinking with winter cold evenings.

How to make a jam from black currant - berry processing

Before preparing the jam, deal with the processing of fruits:

  • Take ripe fruits and beat them. Branches and leaflets clean;
  • Examine berries for rot and damage. Throw unfortunately similar specimens;
  • Rinse currants under cold water. Do not worry about the integrity of the berries, they differ in dense skin;
  • Place the washed berries on a sieve or colander. Let them dry. You can decompose currants on a clean kitchen towel.

How to make a jam from the black currant - a fast "five-minute" recipe


  • 1 kg of currant;
  • 1 kg of sugar;
  • Blender for grinding fruits. You can use the meat grinder or grinding the berries in the mortar.


  1. Pull the washed and dried berries in a large saucepan. Process for grinding by blender or other way.
  2. Add sugar to the berry mass. Stir and leave on the table to stand for 15 minutes to completely dissolve sugar.
  3. Place the ass with a berry mass on the stove. Make a slow fire and stir up to a spoon boiling. After boiling, negotiate exactly 5 minutes. Remove the foam spoon.
  4. Prepare sterilized banks in advance. Pour the finished jam and sunk the containers with the lids.
  5. Wrap the banks in the blanket and let be cooled. It remains to put the fragrant jam in the cellar or refrigerator.

How to make a jam from black currant - a vintage recipe, classic


  • 1.2 kg of sugar;
  • 1 kg of currant.


  1. Put the currant into a deep saucepan. For grinding, take a blender or use another way.
  2. The resulting berry weight put on the plate and boil for 5 minutes.
  3. Begin to fill currants sugar in small portions. It should be evenly distributed on berry weight.
  4. Boiling. As soon as the weight comes to a boil much - start to count the time for cooking.
  5. Boil the jam for 30-35 minutes. Remove spoon dense foam and periodically stir.
  6. Ready to shift the jam into jars. If you do conservation in the winter - roll up glass container lids.

How do blackcurrant jam - recipe without cooking


  • 1 kg of currant;
  • 1.5 kg of sugar.
  1. You put in a bowl of clean currants. Pre parboiled all the dishes that are going to use. Then the finished jam is covered with mold.
  2. Pour the boiled water currants. Leave for 2 minutes. Put in a colander and wait until all the water has drained.
  3. Put the fruit in a saucepan. Gradually add the sugar.
  4. Proceed to crushing currant. Beat berry weight blender for one minute. Then a minute stirred with a spoon. The process is repeated until the complete dissolution of the sugar.
  5. Grind through a sieve the next jam. You get rid of the seeds and skins. Remove the foam to weight berries and pour into jars prepared in advance. Roll up lids and containers after cooling put in place for preservation. For storage in refrigerators can close a nylon cover. After 10 days preservation and begins to thicken jam winter becomes thick.

Add the jam while cooking cinnamon or vanilla. Get a new flavor in the preparations for the winter. You can add to the other berries currants and out wonderful berry platter if desired. Use jam for baking or spread it on the bread. This delicacy helpful store products.

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