What can be prepared from sorrel?

What can be prepared from sorrel?

Sorrel - Popular Greens. However, it is not so widely used as, for example, dill, parsley or kinse. Sorrel has a very sour taste, which limits the number of spheres of cooking, where it can be applied. But it does not interfere with the use of sorrel in soups, salads, second dishes, side dissertes and desserts. Maybe recipes with the use of sorrel not so much, but they are all unique in their kind.

Salad of eggs and cucumbers with the addition of sorrel

This is a summer lightest dish that will refresh in the heat. For its preparation it will be necessary:

  • Cucumber - 1 piece.
  • 1 bundle sorrel.
  • 3 eggs welded hard.
  • Mayonnaise, sour cream or oil - 3 tablespoons.
  • Salt pepper.
  • Cress salad for decoration.

How to cook:

  • Cucumbers need to be cleaned from the peel, if the seeds are large, then they will also have to get rid of them. Cut into small cubes.
  • Bail eggs also cubes, in size similar to cucumber.
  • Sorrel must be thoroughly rinsed, dry on a paper towel, cut thin stripes.
  • All ingredients are mixed in the salad bowl, refuel mayonnaise, sour cream or oil, to taste.
  • Decorate with purple cress lettuce, sorrel, served chilled.

Beef and Supreme Soup

Soup made of beef and greens - a useful dish that can conquer your taste quality even gourmets.


  • Beef on the bone - 0.5 kg.
  • Bunch of sorrel - 100 grams.
  • Potatoes - 400 grams.
  • Luke-repka - 150 grams.
  • Carrot - 150 grams.
  • Eggs, hard-boiled - 3 pieces.
  • Bay leaf, salt, pepper - to taste.
  • Vegetable oil - 2-3 tablespoons.
  • Greens - 1 bunch.

How to cook:

  • Rinse the meat and place in a pot of water, cook until tender 1-1.5 hours.
  • Take the meat out, leave the broth to boil slowly.
  • Potatoes, crumbled medium cubes send in a saucepan and cook until half 20 minutes.
  • At this time, fry the chopped onion and carrots on a well-heated oil.
  • Add to soup zazharku, cook for 5 minutes.
  • Sorrel cut into thin stripes, send to the soup.
  • Save, pepper, add bay leaf.
  • Cover with a lid and let stand for a few minutes.
  • In the meantime, clean the eggs, cut them on the halves.
  • Cut the boiled meat in a convenient way.
  • Spindle soup in plates, to every add meat to taste, having toolate boiled eggs, sprinkle with finely chopped greens.

Open Pie with Orel

It turns out an excellent dessert that will delight kids and adults.

What will be needed for cooking:

  • Flour - 12 tablespoons (it is assumed that the spoons will be hidden).
  • Milk - 200 ml.
  • 2 chicken eggs.
  • Salt is half a teaspoon.
  • Soda - pinch.
  • Sorrel - 300 grams.
  • Sugar sand - 4 tablespoons.
  • Creamy oil - at the discretion of the cook.

Cooking method:

  • Beat eggs with salt, pour a glass of heated milk.
  • Stir, pour flour, and add soda.
  • To avoid the taste of soda in the cake, it can be soldered with steep boiling water or vinegar.
  • Mix everything thoroughly so that the mass is homogeneous.
  • Lumps, if they were formed, break. If there are many of them, then the mixture can be skipped through a sieve, lumps wipe.
  • Sorrel wash, stems to cut, leaving leaving. Chop finely.
  • The shape for baking should be lubricating a piece of butter, sprinkle with flour to avoid burning.
  • Pour dough, give it evenly crushing.
  • From above, put sorrel evenly, sprinkle with sugar, shut down small pieces of butter.
  • Place the cake in the oven for 30 minutes. Temperature must be 180 degrees.
  • At the end of the time of baking, get the pie, cut into portions, and submit.

All recipes that include sorrel, interesting, but, nevertheless, simple. And dishes are obtained extraordinary and tasty. Pay attention to this greens, it will allow you to diversify the menu, make it more useful and diverse.

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