Since the sex revolution continues its procession into the masses, the contraceptive question is becoming increasingly relevant. Including a lot of couples who practice sexual relationship during menstruation, interests the question - is it possible to get pregnant during this period. The answer to it is largely ambiguous. Why? Take about it and talk.
How fertilization occurs
To answer the question is it possible to have sex during menstruation Without consequences in the form of unwanted pregnancy, we recall the physiological conditions of the process of successful conception. So that fertilization takes place, it is necessary that the spermatozoid is not only in the body of a woman, but also met in it with an egg. Such an effective merger is possible only during the period of ovulation, when the egg cell ripened and emerged to meet its "narrowed". Ideally, that is, with a regular cycle, it happens in its middle itself. For example, with a 28-day cycle - on the 14th day. At the same time, the egg cell is in the marriage period about 48 hours, unlike its potential "grooms", which can maintain their activity before the week.
Calculate ovulation and determine the risks
By simple mathematical calculations, it is possible to establish what to get pregnant during menstruation with a regular menstrual cycle, which lasts 28 and more days, unlikely. However, such calculations may not work if the cycle is shorter than or constantly fluctuating. In the first case, if the act of love came on 2-4 days of menstruation, there is a high probability that at 20-21 day cycles, some participants of the "landing" can live to ovulation, which will have to 10-11 days after the start of menstruation. No less dangerous in terms of unforeseen "burdensome" circumstances and an irregular cycle, in which the number of days is non-permanent. In this case, an "hour-peak" eggs are difficult, that is, the probability of "miscalculation" is also great.
Caution - Spontaneous ovulation
The assertion that our whole life is full of surprises, is fully applicable and in relation to the possibility of conceiving a baby during menstruation even with the most unfavorable conditions for this, that is, with the most correct and regular cycle. As such a surprise there may be spontaneous ovulation, that is, the "unplanned" yield of the second mature egg for one cycle, which a woman may not suspect. The reason for such a "breakthrough" is the hormonal "explosion" in the body of a woman, including during a strong orgasm. There is evidence that such a "feature" can be inherited from mom or grandmother. Spontaneous ovulation - the phenomenon is quite rare, but we recommend not ignoring it, especially if you are sexually active.
The first days or the last days of the cycle - what is more dangerous
If you consider in more detail the period of menstruation, then the probability of conceiving a new life is still more real in the last days of menstruation. Explain such a fact is easy because most female representatives have the first days of menstruation in childbearing the first days of menstruation. This circumstance not only creates unfavorable conditions for the advancement of spermatozoa to goal, but also does not very predispose to the sexual act. But in the last days of menstruation, the situation varies significantly, and the chances of becoming a mother increase, especially if the monthly delayed.
Whether the means of contraception work during menstruation
Despite the fact that such long-term contraceptive means as oral contraceptives and spirals are designed to protect the woman from unwanted pregnancy regardless of the day of the menstrual cycle, the question of whether it is true, comes many women. In fact, everyone who uses these methods of contraception, you can not limit ourselves in the classes of love even in the period of menstruation. But under one condition that these methods are used correctly: that is, contraceptive pills are accepted according to the instructions, without skipping, and the position of the helix is \u200b\u200bperiodically checked by a gynecologist.
As you can see, the answer to the question is whether it is possible to get pregnant during menstruation, really not unambiguous. With the right cycle, it is almost impossible, however, the risk that your cycle will suddenly cease to be perfect, too. Not to mention women who cannot boast the regularity of menstruation. Therefore, our advice to you - it is better to think about contraception "to" than to solve the problems "after".