Most residents of our planet have a small tradition - every new day to start with a cup of coffee. This drink has a special taste and aroma, it contributes to awakening and gives a feeling of happiness. Some do not even think, and whether coffee is capable of a set of excess weight, how much is a calorie drink in a cup?
How many calories in a cup of coffee and get fat from coffee
In a cup of firmly brewed, present, thick and fragrant coffee - there are practically no calorie. This is if the drink is cooked without any additives. If you have been welded coffee from ground grain and ordinary water, then in a cup (100 ml) of such a drink contains only 2 calories! But this is so little! Therefore, enjoy the drink prepared without adding milk, cream, sugar, etc., you can even take excess weight without fears.
There is even a special "coffee diet", thanks to which, you can get rid of excess weight. Only such a diet is not suitable for everyone, because the coffee is an invigorating drink, you need to drink it in the first half of the day, as it excites the nervous system. Therefore, on such a diet will not last long. Briefly about the diet: per day you need to drink no more than 9 cups (small!) Cereals and eat only 150 g of black, bitter chocolate. Neither sugar, nor milk, do not add to this drink. You can still drink mineral water, literally a few sips. The diet is very tough and more than 2-3 days, keep such a coffee diet, prohibited.
Are you getting fat from coffee?
From real grain coffee without sugar and other additives, do not get fat. Now let's find out how many calories are contained in an invigorating drink, with different additives:
- Granulated coffee or soluble - this drink is more calorie, in a cup (100 ml) contains already 7 calories. And if you drink an ordinary cup (volume near the glass), then it will be up to 14 calories! When adding sugar or cream to drink, calorie is increasing. You can drink such a drink for no more than 2 times a day in order not to harm your figure.
- Drink "American" or "Lungo" consists of tightly brewed coffee and water. In such a blowing in a cup of coffee with a volume of 450 ml, only 15 calories. By adding sugar or milk / cream, we increase the calorie content of the drink 2-3 times.
- Coffee "Latte" is a favorite drink of many people. This is espresso (grain coffee and water) + foam + milk. Milk - Caloric drink, plus sugar, it turns out very satisfying. No sugar in portions Latte contains about 250 calories.
- "Cappuccino" consists of espresso, plus cream and sugar. A cup (180 ml) of such a delicious drink will cost your figure + 200-250 calories.
- The "Mokkachino" drink consists of espresso, milk, chocolate or syrup, prepared, as a rule, from milk chocolate, sugar or caramel. Caloriciness of one cup of coffee - 300 calories.
- Coffee "Glasa" - by calories a little inferior to the previous drink, but still in it also enough calories - 125! Coffee drink is preparing with the addition of ice cream ball.
- Coffee "Frappuccino" or "Frapp" is a cold drink, consists of a coffee base (espresso), milk, sugar and ice. There is a rather calorie drink, because it is fed in a large container. Calorie is 400 calories!
- Coffee 3B1 with different additives - prepares from dry cream, soluble coffee, sugar or sweeteners, flavors. The caloric content of the drink is low - about 100 units, only benefits - no, alone dry components.
By itself, grain coffee is a low-calorie drink, and with additives - the amount of calories increases, as is the risk, gain extra kilograms. Therefore, if you like coffee, eliminate additives and reduce the volume of the drink.