Honey does not suck - why?

Honey does not suck - why?

Crystallization of honey is a natural process during which the structure and color of the product occurs. Honey becomes more thick, less viscous, transparency is lost. At the same time, if your honey after several months has not yet sucked, you should not panic. The liquid state of honey is not always indicated by the poor quality of the product. And yet, why is honey not crystallizing?

The reasons for crystallization of honey

The main components of honey are glucose and fructose. It is the first component that is responsible for the crystallization of the product. The higher the glucose content in honey, the faster it will suck. So glucose prevails in such honey varieties as, for example, buckwheat, heather. The honey of these varieties crystallizes quickly enough, acquiring not just a thick, but even a solid consistency.

If the predominant component is fructose, honey can maintain a liquid state for a long time. Monosaccharide crystals envelop glucose, as a result of which the process of solidification of honey slows down. Moreover, if the glucose content is not more than 30% honey and does not freeze at all. At the same time, the correct storage of the product will ensure the safety of all its healing components for the entire period of use of the product. At a temperature of 23 ° C, such honey can remain liquid for a year.

Why is honey not crystallizing?

If we consider exclusively natural qualities of honey, the cause of slow crystallization of the product is its variety.

  • Heather honey will quickly suck (after mixing it becomes liquid, but in a calm state it turns again), sunflower, buckwheat.
  • Slowly crystallizes May, acacia, linden, case, thyme, chestnut (although it is viscous in itself) variety.

If the honey variety indicates that the product should be sniffed, and honey remained in a liquid state (or completely deteriorated), perhaps the honey seller has used some tricks:

  1. You were sold an immature honey. Honey, like any product, must undergo certain stages of ripening (stages of splitting sugar). An immature product contains a large amount of moisture. In the process of storage, 2 options are possible - moisture will evaporate and honey harden, honey “ferment” and deteriorate.
  2. Violation of the conditions of storage of the product. Honey easily absorbs moisture. As a result, it can not only remain in a liquid state for a long time, but also deteriorate.
  3. The seller offered a overheated product. It is no secret that when heated, honey becomes more liquid. However, the heating temperature should not exceed 40 ° C. Otherwise, the product will lose all healing properties. Overheated honey will be liquid (the product loses the ability to crystallize), but useless.
  4. Honey can not sugar because of its unnecessority. The presence in the product of such additives as sugar syrup, starch, flour prevents the natural hardening of honey.
  5. Honey can also remain liquid, in which there is little or completely absent pollen.

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