How to prepare the gooseberry for the winter

How to prepare the gooseberry for the winter

In winter, our body especially needs beneficial components, because our immunity falls into the cold. Among other things, you also want to pamper yourself with some snacks, fruit, but where to take them if in the yard of winter? Let's talk today about how to independently make a gooseberry workpiece for the winter and that from it can still be done to rack this berry in the cold season.

Preparation of gooseberry

It is clear that today you can go to the supermarket and find some vegetables or fruits there, but do not forget that the concentration in them of harmful substances at such a time of year prevails over the content of useful, so this is not the safest option .

If you want to be tasteful and useful in winter, then pay time to the independent preparation of various "dishes" from the gooseberry. In fact, from this berry you can make a lot of interesting things and delicious things, for example:

  • jam
  • sauce
  • adzhika
  • compote
  • even meat dishes, etc.

In any case, so that you do not decide to make a gooseberry, this berry, first, you need to prepare well for further use. Of course, you can find some recipes where the culinary makes it uses non-liquid (thowned, defective, etc.) berries for cooking some kind of dish, but often you will need to cook from ripe and whole berries, because the shelf life of the finished product will be It will be directly dependent on this (it is not a secret for anyone that you have fallen and familiar berries quickly launch the fermentation process).

If the gooseberry grows on your land plot, then you must constantly make sure that the berry does not sleep and have not had time to spoil the sun. In the event that you decide to buy a berry on the market, then be extremely attentive:

  • inspect good goods, in appearance it should be beautiful
  • pick the gooseberry, is it too soft
  • inspect the berries for identifying defects (cracks, having fun, etc.)

After you bought or gathered a berry, you need to prepare it for further use:

  • carefully beat and remove the thickened berries (no matter how well you were revised on the market or when collecting, anyway, there are such berries)
  • separate the tails from the berries (for this it is easiest to use small scissors, then the process of separating the tails becomes more efficient and faster)
  • remove the trash

Now your gooseberry is ready for further action.

Compote from gooseberry

Before you moved, clean and whole berries of the gooseberry. It remains only to come up with what you want to do from it (and the choice is really great here). In the event that you do not want too bother with cooking it for the winter, we offer you a simple, delicious and useful option - cook for winter from the gooseberry compote.

To begin with, we will define the necessary ingredients that you will need to prepare in advance:

  • sugar (Sugar sand is also suitable)
  • water flowing
  • gooseberry (main ingredient)
  • mint (her fresh twigs)

Of these simple components you will have a refreshing and delicious compote, which is very simple to cook:

  • Berries for a compote must be strong so that they do not fall asleep immediately after cooking compote.
  • Instead of mint, if so, it was not at hand, you can use Melisu, in any case it will be very tasty.
  • The next step is to soak for the gooseberry. It is necessary to do it in running cold water. Hold the berries a little in the water, wash it well, and then pull out in turn in the colander. Excessive moisture in this case we can do anything.
  • Close the compote better in the banks per three liters. They need to be prepared in advance - they should be dry and clean.
  • We fumble in the banks of the berries, fill it about a third.
  • Now it's time to pour boiling water to banks, then leave banks in such a state of 15 minutes to compote as it should cool.
  • After the expiration of the above time, we drain the water from banks (we found out how much water is necessary for which bank).
  • Mint must also be prepared - we rinse it under cold weather water so that neither dirt or dust remains on her sheets and stem. In the bank put one twig with several leaves.
  • In the water, we smear sugar, the third part of the glass will be needed for three liters of the compote, because the gooseberry itself is sufficiently sweet.
  • Boiling our syrup, after which, pour it into a jar.

We ride the lid and wrap in a warm blanket. Let us breed and send in a cold place for long-term storage, but only after the compote is completely cool.

Gooseberry and Orange

If you want to indulge yourself with vitamins in winter, then the next recipe, which includes not only the gooseberry, but also an orange, just for you.

Ingredients that will be useful for this:

  • Gooseberry - 1 kg
  • Orange - 1 pc
  • Sugar - 0.4 kg

Prepare vitamins for the winter are needed as follows:

  • We swore berries, mine them, cut the tails and throw in a blender.
  • My orange, after which cut it into pieces, only the bones will need to be pulled out. We throw the chopped fruit in a paleger to the gooseberry.
  • My jars with soda, rinse, dried (you can use small containers).
  • Sugar fall asleep to the blender and press the "Start" button.
  • All crushed ingredients scatter on banks and close them tightly.
  • Vitamins are ready.

That's so simple you can make the billet for the gooseberry for the winter, while spending some time and your strength.

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