Spasmic pain in urolithiasis appears due to obstruction of the ureter, or other words of blockage by stones. The smallest concrections go with urine without pain. So that small stones do not turn into large need to carry out preventive measures.
How to withdraw urates salts
Ural sand can be removed using herbal fees or informations from one plant.
- Take equal parts of birch, strawberry leaves, bubble flowers, parsley, flax and rosehip. Grind and brew a spoon of a mixture in 250 ml of liquid. Straighten the infusion and drink to meals. The period of use is one month. After that, you need to pause for a week and start receiving the next infusion.
- Corn Ryards, Ardier, Aira and Parsley Root, Brusadberry and Strawberry Leaves and brew and brew with renal tea in the same principle as in the first recipe.
- Broth dispute. Grinding Road (5 spoons) Pour hot water. Through the day to drink the contents of the thermos. Repeat a week procedure.
- Broth parsley. The plant is crushed and pour boiling water.
- Uraban salts can be removed by watermelon.
Ways to remove oxalate and phosphate sand
Sand such types is displayed using plant reception.
- Grind 6 spoons of mother-in-law, donel, lonely leaves, flowers of elderberry and barbaris, garnet root. Pour them with boiling water and insist with thermos. Before eating, drink two and a half spoon.
- Take 5 spoons of Barbaris, Ukrop, Zverkoy, peppermint, garnet root and pour water liter. After that, take three spoons at a time.
- The same parts of immortals, cornflower, elderly, peers and leaves Tolokanny brew in liter boiling water. Drinking the infusion of 50 grams 3 times a day.
- Apples. You can remove deposits with a decoction of apples. To do this, cut fruit and pour water. Boil a few minutes and take chilled decoction throughout the day.
You need to drink infusions at least 2 weeks. After take a break and pass urine tests. Then, if necessary, proceed to the reception of another infusion.
Popular recipes
Among the folk remedies, there are many simple sand removal recipes.
- Raisins and pepper. Take raisins without a bone, make an incision, put pepper pea. For half an hour before meals, eat it and put it with water. Gradually increase the dose by one thing. After the number comes to 10, start decreasing to 1. It will be a course of treatment.
- Grape. The most effective is the Amur grapes. Cut its leaves and pour water, insist in dark place for three days. The fluid solution takes 100 gr per day for a month.
- Sunflower root. Grind the root and pour it with water. Then boil and cool. Drink one liter per day.
- Black radish. Grate the vegetable, squeeze and mix with 5 spoons of honey. The resulting mixture drink over a spoon after meals.
Cleaning juice
The kidneys can be cleaned in preventive purposes. For this, seasonal vegetables are suitable - cucumber, pumpkin and zucchini. The ideal solution will be a cocktail of several juices. For example, to 100 ml of cucumber juice add a plum or apple. For the year it is possible to carry out the prevention procedures to the maximum twice. They must be complemented by constant walks, the right way of life and rational food.
Pharmacy drugs
Using some drugs, it is possible to facilitate the removal of sand.
- If these are uragany stones, then doctors prescribe Uriasan, Cyston, Magurlit. It is necessary to take them for a long time, and also need to control the urine state to adjust the dose.
- For purification of oxalate stones, Urinean is suitable, Rovatineks. They are also taken for a long time and control the pH of urine.
- To remove phosphate stones, they write a canofron.
The process of cleansing is considered a serious procedure, therefore it is easy to carry out it. Make measures need after consulting a doctor, examination and determining the expediency of any procedure.