Many are experiencing about their complete or just rounded face, especially since now in fashion cheeks, not cheeks, this article for those who want to see instead of their cheeks of cheeks.
Girls and women worry all their lives for their appearance - losing weight constantly, make suspenders, peelings, massages against cellulite, sneak, etc. Men live in this world much easier, but since it cannot do anything with it, and the essence of the woman cannot correct, you need to tell about some beauty secrets.
Causes of the appearance of cheeks
Remember, in order to fight the problem, from the very beginning you need to find out the reasons for their appearance. What are we with you and only after that we already find out how to get rid of hateful cheeks, that for this you need to know and what ways to fight.
It happens that there is no excess weight, and the cheeks still have, or the person has lost weight, and the cheeks just began to hang, let's find out why they generally appear.
Every woman with age can notice some changes in his oval. With a time, under the influence of various kinds of factors, the Mimic muscles weaken, the skin loses its former elasticity, and the cheeks in this case are often sought. There are a number of factors that are most often caused by the appearance of cheeks on a female face:
- Changes in an age nature. Unfortunately, it can not be anywhere and an ideal face can always be (even more so in women, and it is not clear at all what they all deserve it). The skin's skin elasticity begins to lose after 35, closer to forty years (this factor depends largely on genetics, someone earlier, someone later). In general, many women because of the sagging cheeks become similar to sad clowns, which causes her panic. Remarking and devastation from hopelessness (although there is always a way out and we will tell you about it further).
- Overweight. They still did not bring anything positive, especially for women. It's no secret to anyone that, the more human weight, the more loose, their skin becomes (and the person in this case is no exception). Fat accumulates in the layers of the epidermis, while quickly filling the contour lines of the person, and the increase in the cheeks in this case is almost inevitable.
- The accumulation of fluid in the body, incorrectly eat, drink not enough water, hormonal failures and the mass of other diseases in the body leads to an irregular water balance and distribution of fluid in the body, which is often on the face of women there are water cheeks, get rid of which not as simple as I would like to.
- Sunbathing. All women love to sunbathe, because the tanned skin color is much more beautiful than the snow-white skin cover, but for those who are not yet informed, sunbathing with the skin of the skin are not good, nor for the body or skin. Elasticity of the epidermis due to the constant influence on it of the sun's rays is lost. Among other things, the sun's rays accelerate the aging of the skin, so that you will not become more beautiful, older is probably.
- We will not argue with geneticsthat is very sad. Very often sagging cheeks are the consequences of a genetic plan, that is, a person is not to blame for this, and there is no extra kilogram and the power is correct, and the cheeks are still hanging.
- Wrong skin care Often it becomes the cause of the sin of the cheek, so you need to follow myself too.
As it was possible to understand, the reasons for such trouble, very much, now let's figure it out with ways to combat her.
Methods of dealing with sagging cheeks at home
So now proceed to the easiest and most effective ways to preserve sagging cheeks in beautiful cheekbones:
- Cosmetics. Thanks to cosmetics, a woman can not only hide their defects, but also with the right choice, get rid of them. Today, there is a mass of anti-aging creams and serums, which have a positive effect not only on the appearance of the skin, but also on its structure. Thanks to the rejuvenating cosmetics, the skin becomes more elastic and tightened, and cheeks can smoothly go into the cheeks.
- Massage. In this case, you will not help the light stroking of your face and circular movements on it with your fingers, everything is much tougher here. For such a massage, you will need a small towel. Preferably. To make it was made of natural components, that is, fabrics. Daily massage such a towel will make the skin more tightened. Because it is a stimulator of good blood circulation on the face. For greater efficiency, you can use sea salt or grasses ragners.
- Contrast shower for face. This is an effective and very old method (verified). In order for the swelling from the face and the cheeks decreased in size, you must first wet a small tissue napkin (size with a face) with hot water and attach to the face (for a while until it cools), after which, immediately wet this napkin with ice water and also Enclose to face. If every day twice (in the evening and in the morning) to carry out this procedure, after 7 days you will see a positive result.
Lose weight and clean your cheeks
The face does not always lose weight first, but most often, the weight loss begins with it, so if you decide to lose weight, it will immediately affect (in a positive way) on your face. So. So that the face is humidly, the cheeks disappear, and the cheeks began to be seen, it is necessary:
- Drink water. This is a rule for the health of the whole organism, who is properly drinking water, that healthy person. So so. You just need to drink water - it should not be sweet, carbonated, in the form of coffee, tea, etc. It should be ordinary clean water (the best option bottled), can also be boiled. Remember, warm water is absorbed better, so it is better to eat liquid in warm form.
- Eat often and gradually, So eat fractional. On the day you need to eat three times and make three more snacks between meals. Remember, you can eat after 6 pm. The main thing is that at least 4 hours before peace, that is, sleep.
- No harmful habits In the form of cigarettes and alcohol, it is also worth excluding such harmful foods such as chips, crackers, fast food, etc. from the diet, etc.
- More fruit and vegetables In the diet and after a couple of weeks you will notice. How the code will start tightening, and the cheeks are drawn. Useful in this case will also become fermented milk products that not only contribute to weight loss, but also purify the body.
Exercises for beautiful cheekbones
So that the face is lost, cheeks slept and cheekbones appeared, you need to approach this question, here and diet, and cream and special exercises, let's talk about the latter:
- Facial muscles give a tone. Inflate the cheeks, the lips tightly shrinking at the same time, the palms strongly press on the cheeks, but at the same time, do not release it from the mouth. Repeat such exercises are necessary within 7 times, every day.
- Reduce the size of the cheeks. Open your mouth, as if they say the letter Oh, and lead the tongue in the root in a circle, making focus on the cheeks. Exercise repeat over 2-3 minutes.
Repeating such exercises every day, you can achieve the result very soon.