How to remove tan from face

How to remove tan from face

The tan is not always the desirable consequence of staying in the sun. For one reason or another, sometimes there is a need to brighten the skin, especially when it comes to face skin. How to remove the tan in this case, find out from this article.

How to remove tan with face cosmetics

If you do not feel sorry for money, you can pass the procedure for lightening the skin from the tan in any beauty salon. There are several techniques for this purpose:

  • various acid peelings;
  • laser use;
  • photo correction.

The essence of the methods is that the top layer of the epidermis is exhausting, cells accelerate regeneration, and the skin color is restored by its natural shade. After just a few procedures from the sun, there is no trace. The minus lies in the fact that the peelings and photocographications have contraindications and require an exclusively professional approach.

Instead of visiting the cabin, you can look into the cosmetics store and look out there special means to eliminate the tan. As a rule, they are produced in the form of lotions or creams. The result in this case will not be so fast as in the case of cabin procedures, but the method itself is safe and careful.

How to remove tan from face: folk recipes

Folk recipes to eliminate the tanning are practically as effective as bleaching cosmetics. So why pay more if you can prepare a tool with your own hands from cheap and affordable products. We will analyze various options:

  • Cucumber masks. Cucumbers have long been considered one of the best tools to combat unwanted pigmentation. With their help, they are struggling not only with the tan, but also with freckles. Sometimes fresh vegetable is simply cut with thin circles and impose on the face, where they hold about 15 minutes. In the case of the tan, this method can clarify the skin unevenly, so it is better to make a mask from cucumber. For this, the product is washed, a clutch on a small grater, a little bit of flour is added, so that the liquid does not spread much, and then this mass is distributed through tanning sites. Hold the mask for 20 minutes, then wash off without soap. After a couple of such procedures, the result will be obvious.

  • Citrus fruit juices. Acids contained in citrus fruits whitening the skin is no worse than cucumbers. For tanning procedures, you can take lemons, grapefruits or oranges. The mask is easy to do: take a blender several citrus dollars and mix with a small amount of flour. Enter on the face and hold half an hour. It is not worth resorting to helping such a recipe if you have a tendency to allergies. There is a quick way to lighten the face: squeeze a bit of lemon juice, moisten a cotton disk and wipe the skin for a couple of minutes.

  • Equal milk products. Milk acid helps to cope with unwanted pigmentation. It clarifies the skin well, but it does not act as aggressively like fruit juices. In addition, fermented dairy products help not only remove the dark color from the face, but also calm the epidermis annoyed by the sunny rays. Their action is not as fast as the juice of citrus, but more careful. To combat the tan, you can lubricate the skin with yogurt, kefir or sour cream in its pure form, and you can mix them with honey, egg or other useful components.

  • Parsley greens. The juice from the leaf parsley has a pronounced whitening effect. In addition, this useful product struggles with acne and rejuvenates the skin. To make a mask from parsley, it is necessary to chop it finely and grind into a mortar to highlight the juice. Then mix the greens with kefir or sour cream and impose on the face. After half an hour, the mask can be washed away. The result of such clarification can be observed through 2 procedures. Parsley can also be poured with water and boil 10 minutes on the stove. The cooled decoction is used as a tonic by wiping their face.

  • Mechanical peels. To remove the unnecessary tan from the face, you can resort to peeling. To do this, you should buy a ready-made cosmetic agent or prepare it from household products, for example, of ground coffee, soda, sugar, crushed oatmeal. Peeling is carried out on a sparkling skin, and after washing the face is moisturized with cream.

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Sasha 27/04/2019 at 14:35

I use the brightening concentrate of Mesotojuq. It helps to get rid of the stains, lighten the skin and align the tone

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