How to pull the facial oval?

How to pull the facial oval?

An accurate contour of the face gives him elegance and expressiveness. Reducing the production of elastin and collagen, which occurs with age, affects not only the condition of the skin, but also the muscles of the face. Derma loses elasticity, muscles weaken. As a result, the oval of faces is deformed, the contour becomes less clear and sculptural, the second chin appears. Unfortunately, it is impossible to completely stop this process, but you can slow down it.

Exercises for suspended facial oval

Nothing does not train muscles than regular gymnastic exercises.

Gymnastics for face

  • Fill the mouth with air and close the lips tightly. Roll into the resulting "ball" from one cheek to another. Exercise to fulfill before the appearance of fatigue in the muscles.
  • Squat lips and smile as much as possible. Next, without opening your mouth, pull the lips into the tube as if you want to kiss the interlocutor. Return to the original position and again repeat the bundle.
  • Make a deep breath, inflate the cheeks and fix this position by 15 seconds. At this time, render palms a light spring pressure on your cheeks.
  • Pronounce the sounds "A", "U" and "O" as clean as possible and accurately.
  • Sit down the elbows about the table. Chin lies on fists. Try to open your mouth wide, overcoming the resistance of the hands.
  • Hand fingers (with unnamed by index) are located in the corners of the lips and have a light pressure. Overcoming resistance, try to smile. Exercise is aimed at strengthening the muscles of the cheeks.

Exercises for fighting the second chin

  • Take a pencil in your teeth. Holding the subject in the air, write them 10 or more letters.
  • Take the position sitting or standing. The back at the same time should be straight. Smoothly, without jerks, make a head of 7-10 rotational movements in one direction, and after - to another.
  • Without changing the position of the body, perform slopes head back and forth, left and right. The number of repetitions is 10 slopes in each direction.
  • Give the neck of the contrast shower, accompanied by light massage movements.

Massage to increase skin elasticity

Light, but accurate massage movements will improve blood circulation, contribute to cell regeneration, increase the skin tone, will improve its color. Exercises can be performed independently or contact a specialized salon. The preparatory stage includes:

  • Cleaning the skin surface with lotion.
  • Heat face muscles. With this task, compresses using herbal decoctions will perfectly handle.

In the process of massage as an additional component, a light hypoallergenic cream or oil can be used. Apply to the palm and pass, avoiding excessive pressure, fingers through massage lines:

  • From the chin along the contour of the face to the uches.
  • From the bottom lip through the lower third of the cheeks to the uches
  • Move from the upper lip on the lower edge of the cheekbone. Motion complete with temples.
  • From the point between the eyebrows along the abnormal arc.

Massage sessions are recommended every day - 2-3 approaches to 10 minutes.

Cosmetics to improve face contour

The use of cosmetic products for skin care products perform several functions at once - the components of a properly selected cream give the skin the necessary power and moisturizing, massage movements that are applied to the tool tone the skin, increase its elasticity.

Tighten the skin and improve the oval faces such components will help:

  • Vitamins A and C.
  • Hyaluronic acid.
  • Essential oils.
  • Hydroxy acid.

A good effect in the struggle for the accurate face showed alginate masks whose action is based on the "work" of marine algae. Regardless of the type of the selected mask - the basic, moisturizing, collagen, vegetable, with ascorbic acid - the product has a pronounced rejuvenating effect.

Hardware techniques suspended facial oval

More radical methods of the correction of oval facial are such cosmetology procedures as mesotherapy and biorevitalization, during which the cells are saturated with hyaluronic acid, vitamins, amino acids and other active components by subcutaneous cell injections. Microcurrent therapy is considered quite effective, during which the exposure to light current pulses is performed.

Comments leave a comment
Tonya 02/04/2018 at 16:39

If the skin is clean, beautiful - it always looks expensive, young and sexy. Italians, for example, make cleaning the face of the house, there is such a means - an Italian natural sponge with a cotton sponge for cleaning and rejuvenating the skin of the face. Removes dead cells scored by mud, then, echsions, cosmetics, removes skin irregularities.
The result is amazing, the skin is always clean, there are no acne, black dots, extended pores, the skin is smooth, rejuvenated. So that the skin of the face is thin, and to pull out the faces, make a massage to sponge and superfluous subcutaneous fat leaves.

To answer
Natasha 03/13/2018 at 8:03

I have fallen faces noticeably tightened after the serum began to use and walk on the bioevitalization. The month just passed after the first procedure, but I feel much already much younger ... no wrinkles, there was a more depletion of the face ... and the skin was moisturized)) So I advise you to try)

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Anna 03/12/2018 at 14:29

Massage pulls facial oval and it is still important to choose the right care. I got the serum collagen Libriderm. She made the skin of the face more elastic and contour pulled

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Kristina 05/31/19 at 13:49.

It is necessary to observe a healthy lifestyle, use good and high-quality cosmetics, do not forget about the cosmetologist. It is for an oval faces still at home I use a lipolytic mask Mesobux. It increases the elasticity of the skin and the sowing faces is becoming clearer

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    Tanya 07/18/2019 at 16:51

    And what kind of firm such Mesobux? Where can I buy it? It turns out of fats burned once they are lipolytic?

    To answer
      Kristina 07/19/2019 at 16:58

      This is a Librderm firm. And Mesobux is a collection of their cosmetics so called. You can buy in a pharmacy or on the site Librderm. Yes, besides the fact that it pulls up the skin, it also burns fats

      To answer

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