How to cook came from plum

How to cook came from plum

Plums are very tasty and useful fruits that are saturated with a large number of different useful components that have a positive effect on our body. From this fruit most often make jam or jam, because it is simply, tasty and also, also useful. Let's see what to do from plum came and that it is necessary to know.

Jam or jam

Plum is a product, as part of which Pectin is, therefore, it was not for nothing that it was called the "sanitary engine", because the plum cleans our body from all sorts of not useful even harmful substances (which, unfortunately, is regularly entering our organism). The plum jumped is different dessert, so it is extremely stupid to refuse such a tasty dish, and you will take a little bit of the preparation of this jog.

Many people are confused by such concepts as jam and jam, reading that there is no difference between them. In fact, this is an erroneous opinion, because there is differences, and, cardinal. First, let's figure it out in terms to understand what we will cook with you.

Jam is called dessert, which is prepared from fruits or berries (it happens that sometimes from vegetables). To obtain the jam, the ingredients are boiled, added, if necessary, there sugar or sugar sand, then rush to banks. If you cook the jam correctly, then all pieces of berries or fruits will be solid, located in thick syrup.

Experienced coils for preservation in this case use a little non-distinguished ingredients.

We call the dessert, which is obtained by roaring berries or fruits. To be clearer. It was a fruit or berry puree, which can be cooked both with the addition of sugar, and without it. In this case, the use of already mature sometimes, even overwhelmed berries or fruits, will be relevant. For the past, experienced cooks use those products that include pectin, and in a considerable amount.

If you decide to make a jam from plum, then the use of any kind of this fruit will be relevant here. The main criterion here will be the density of plums, and it should be high (and therefore you can use a little unripe fruit).

In order for the jam to be delicious and properly cooked. It is necessary to cook it in small portions (in this case it is better not to use more than one and a half kilograms of the ingredient).

If it occurred to make a delicious jumped, then the optimal version in this situation is to use quite sour varieties of plums so that their flesh is extremely dense (excellent version of "Hungarian"). In this case, we need ripe fruits so that they are easily roused.

Plum jacket

Nuances of cooking puree jam, that is, jumped:

  • To prepare a delicious jacket, you will need ripe fruits, as mentioned earlier.
  • You can fall asleep ripe fruits with sugar, but the best option in this case is first to grind the plum, and then fall asleep with sugar sand.
  • You can also grind the plum after you have already boiled it (the case of everyone, here who wants, that he does).
  • Some boiled over once, others in several stages (preferably the second option, the experienced cooks reported).
  • If you decide not to fool your head and cook at one reception, then you will need to make a plum in sugar, it will be about 3 hours, and maybe even more.
  • In the event that you have chosen step-by-step preparation, then you can boil the hour at first, bringing it to a boil, so that the moisture gradually evaporated.

  • After the specified time expires, let it cool completely jam, then negotiate as much time and again let cool, that's why some hostesses can cook jets for several days.
  • Do not forget that while driving will cool. Moisture also evaporates at this time, so consider this fact.
  • Before the third stage of cooking, you can shred a blender in my puree blender, and only after that put it on fire for the last time.
  • When you see the remnants of the skins in the jacket. Do not think to get rid of them, do not remove the pieces from the jam, because it contains the amount of pectin largest in the fruit's casing.

If you do everything right, then ultimately you will get a monotonous jelly, which you can add to tea or smeared on bread. The main thing to comply with some rules.

Rules of preparation of jumped at home:

  • First of all, before cooking, inspect each plum so that it is not rotten. It will be enough for one rotten berry to spoil the entire portion of the jam.
  • Wash fruits need carefully, because it could be treated with chemicals, insects were sitting on it, etc. Do not regret your time to prepare a plum for cooking. Among other things, the unclean plum can lead to a rapid jacket of jumped.
  • When cooking came from plums, be extremely careful, because when boiling, it can "shoot" and leave the burns on your body.
  • Pooked by banks laid down hot, so have this fact in mind.
  • Sterilize banks is not necessary, so the cooking process is simplified.

Everything is simple, if you know exactly how to cook delicious jacket from plum.

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