How to make horns from yeast dough?

How to make horns from yeast dough?

Rogs with stuffing can be prepared from any test. From the sandy, they are obtained very crumbly and gentle, from puff-crispy and light, from yeast - air and soft. Each hostess chooses for himself a kind of baking, but today we will tell you about the horns from the dough on yeast.

Rogani from yeast dough on milk

For these horns, you will need the most ordinary products for yeast dough and very thick filling, for example, jumped.

  1. Prepare the layer of 200 ml of warm milk, 40 g of fresh yeast, 50 g of sugar and two spoons of flour.
  2. When the layout increase in volume, add a pinch of salt to it, 1 egg, vanillin bag, 150 g of soft margarine and 350 g of flour. Check elastic dough. If the flour seems to you, then add more.
  3. Let the finished test let stand 1 hour, and then divide it into 4 parts.
  4. Each part roll in a smooth circle, about 2 mm thick. Circles cut into six equal parts. As a result, you will have 24 triangular blanks.
  5. On a wide part of the workpiece, put a teaspoon of thick jungle. Fold the blank rolls and gently bend it in the middle.
  6. The generated bagels large roll in sugar and place on a sheet, the laid parchment or oiled.
  7. Give the bagels to stand on a table for about 10 minutes, and then send them in a pre-heated oven (200 degrees).
  8. Bake products to increase their volume and golden sugar crust.

For the filling you can use pieces of store marmalade, crushed and mixed with honey walnuts, twisted in a meat grinder and a high-boiled sugar lemons, boiled condensed milk.

Bagels with dough on kefir

Dough with yeast and even on sour milk, it turns out very air and rather thick. It can be cooked with bagels, the filling of which will serve as a scattering filling.

  1. Mix 1 cup of warm kefir and a half teaspoons of dry yeast. Add a tablespoon of sugar to them and a couple of flour spoons. Stir.
  2. Enter into the resulting weight of 50 ml of vegetable oil, a pinch of salt and so much flour so that you can knead the dough that will not stick to the hands. The dough can twisted with nutmeg or cinnamon. Start work with the dough immediately, i.e. Do not put it in heat for lifting.
  3. From the resulting test, roll out several medium circles (with a diameter of 20 cm). Each circle cut to equal triangular sectors.
  4. Triangles are smeared by melted butter, sprinkle with thick dry poppy and sugar. Form the horns.
  5. Put the future dessert on the leaf and cover the bagels with a towel. Let them come in warm - time will need from 30 to 60 minutes (depending on the ambient temperature).
  6. Rozhiki lubricate the egg mixed with bold cream. Beat until golden color.

Having at hand any yeast dough, you can prepare bagels with rather original fillings. Try to wrap in the dough. Delicious bagels are obtained with pieces of chocolate inside, which is melted with thermal processing and becomes gentle and drumming.

Rogs with cheese on yeast puff pastry

Any major supermarket sells several types of puff yeast dough. Pay attention to the disadvantage. From it can make batch snacks, such as cheese.

  1. Dough defrost according to the instructions. Cut it on equal long triangles.
  2. Make a stuffing from long slices of solid cheese or put in the spoon of grated cheese mixed with greens, garlic and a small amount of oily sour cream.
  3. Form the bagels and give them well to increase in the amount. After you put them on the tray and cover with a napkin. Wait for the moment when the dough will increase so that the side openings will close, of which molten cheese could find.
  4. Lubricate the horns of the yolk and sprinkle sesame.
  5. Bake hot oven until readiness.

Instead of cheese, you can use a mushroom filling, twisted boiled meat, slices of ham or even sausages.

In this video you will see how to prepare bagels from economical yeast dough without dairy products and eggs.

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