How to make a tincture of hawthorn with vodka?

How to make a tincture of hawthorn with vodka?

On the eve of cold weather, doctors recommend that strengthen the immune system, to create a barrier of dangerous viruses and microbes. In this article we will talk about how to make a real tincture of hawthorn, which will help not only to avoid the season of colds, but also prevent, and in some cases, cure, health-threatening diseases.

The use of tincture of hawthorn

Hawthorn tincture, especially among older people, is very popular. Healers find its primary means for treatment of cardiac diseases. In addition, the tincture possesses such advantageous properties:

  • relieves stress, balances the nervous system;
  • relieves tension and muscle spasm;
  • it prevents the development of atherosclerosis;
  • reduces the risk of heart attack and stroke;
  • lowers cholesterol;
  • minimizes the risk of thrombosis;
  • it normalizes blood pressure (especially useful for hypertension);
  • cures insomnia and depression;
  • reduces symptoms of menopause (90% of women say they do not feel the heat and the tide during menopause);
  • reduces the risk of recurrent myocardial attack;
  • normalizes the heart muscle;
  • treats mild degree of fibrillation and tachycardia;
  • reduces painful attacks of osteoarthritis, arthrosis and arthritis;
  • it reduces appetite (shown with all degrees of obesity);
  • it possesses antiviral and anti-inflammatory action.

A method of manufacturing tinctures (recipe №1)

If you have fresh berries of hawthorn, it is recommended to make a tincture at home. The quality of the self-made "medicine" will not be worse, purchased at a pharmacy. The main thing is to buy a high-quality vodka, which is necessary to push the berries. Do not experiment with low-grade quality alcohol. This setting can only hurt your health.

Necessary ingredients:

  • dried fruit;
  • vodka - 1 liter.

This is the easiest way to manufacture a healing tincture. If you use the fresh berries of the hawthorn, then their quantity is doubled.

  • 1 stage - rinse berries (if they are fresh), go through and eliminate rotting and low-quality raw materials;
  • 2 stage - fill the liter bank (pre-fling) prepared berries (just such a quantity must insist);
  • 3 Stage - Prepare a 3-liter bank (it is not necessary to sterilize it), put the berries in it (do not worry that some berries can deform, the quality of the tincture does not deteriorate from it);
  • 4 Stage - Fill the berries with vodka and close the bank with a kapron lid;
  • 5 Stage - Glass containers. Put in a dark place (direct sunlight can spoil the final product) by 2.5-3 weeks;
  • 6 stage - at the end of the specified period, make filtering of the tincture using gauze;
  • 7 Stage - tincture is poured into a clean glass bottle and removed into the refrigerator.

Useful tincture is ready!

Tip: Do not store the finished hawthorn in plastic containers, it can spoil his taste.

Method of making hawthorn tincture (recipe №2)

Hawthorn acts perfectly on the nervous system. Only 25 drops of tincture will help get rid of stress, nervous shock, will return a good mood. People's sedation can be made with their own hands. His main component is a hawthorn.

Necessary ingredients:

  • berries - 20 g;
  • vodka - 1 l.;
  • melissa - 10 g;
  • mint leaves - 10 g;
  • honey - 1 tbsp. l.

Observe the correct proportions of all ingredients, for the manufacture of tinctures it is recommended to use kitchen scales.

  • 1 step - fresh leaves melissa and mint rinse under running water;
  • 2 step - the berries of the hawthorn move to the 3-liter jar, to put the prepared sheets prepared on top;
  • 3 step - In a small amount of vodka, dissolve honey (it is recommended to use fresh honey);
  • 4 step - pour the ingredients with vodka (including honey);
  • 5 Step - Capacity Remove the place in the dark, insist 2 weeks;
  • 6 step - at the end of the specified period, profile the tincture and break into the clean glass bottle.

This tincture can be stored on the refrigerator door. For 3 years after its manufacture, homemade "medicine" will not lose their useful properties.

Before using the tincture, you must consult with your doctor. People who have the individual intolerance of the hawthorn, not recommended tinctuction.

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