How to make a photo in instagram

How to make a photo in instagram

Instagram is not only a way to share your creativity and lifestyle. Socialset has a powerful photo editor that can remove shortcomings without third-party programs and give the charm your photo. Familiarize yourself with the options of the editor, advice on publication, and your creations will not remain unnoticed.

Shooting and setting images


Open Instagram, go to the Camera icon tab and tap the "Photo" button. Take a picture by clicking on the blue circle.


First icon on the left - filters. Experiment with them, scrolling them at the bottom of the screen. Press the snapshot of clarity and saturation with JUNO, make a stylization under the old shot with the Earlybird or discourage the picture using the Inkwell filter.

Touching the filter, you will go to the settings of its depth. Move the slider to configure the filter to the desired parameters. Click "Tick" to complete.


A wrench icon - more subtle changes. Going to "Settings", you can increase or decrease the photo area, shifting and spinging your fingers on the desired section of the picture. The middle button with degrees is a slope. Spend your finger on the scale at the bottom left or right - for inclination at the desired angle.

To pull the photo on the plane, use the left and right icons. For example, if the snapshot was removed from the wrong angle, and the faces look round, select the first icon and move your finger on the left scale until the faces are natural.

Of the other options, the editor are curious "tilt offset" and "vignette". When using the first, you can separate the photo of a round or linear glow to focus on important details. "Vignette" stylizes the photo under the picture of the film chamber.


Configuring the image to your taste, press the arrow at the top to continue. On the "Publish" page sign your creation. Use popular tags to increase the fame of your picture.

You can specify the place where the snapshot was taken. To do this, move the "Add to the camera" slider and tap the "Name" field. Enter the text and select one of the proposed addresses in the list.

To mark people on the snapshot, touch the button of the same name and click on the site next to the person. Enter a name and add the desired user by clicking on its login in the search list. Touch the "Tick" to complete.

Now every person looking through the picture can touch him and see all the tied names. To delete the label, click on it, select "Remove the label" and confirm the action.

To share a snapshot with friends from other social networks, tap the relevant links in the Share section. To send a private message to a friend, go to the "Inbox" tab (Direct), check the person from the list and click "Tick".

Increased photo popularity

How to make photos more popular:

  • Use hashtegi to the maximum, because it is for them and will find your picture. The more hashtegov, the more requests will be displayed your photo.
  • Do not be too fond of filters and settings. The natural picture will look like a picture, the greater the attention he will attract.
  • Remove in bright, light colors.
  • The more items in the frame, the more harder and more profitable looks like a photo.
  • Feel free to sign under the picture asking to put likes and comments: oddly enough, it works.

Correctly shot and edited photo with popular hashtags - the key to the success of your creativity in Instagram. For a variety, you can create collages using third-party programs, such as instapicframe or photograp.

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