How to make a fountain in physics?

How to make a fountain in physics?

Making a fountain in physics is very exciting, because in action it looks funny and interesting. In addition, it seems that he violates the law of reporting vessels, although its principle is partly based on them. Like any experience, the fountain does not just help on the example of understanding the laws of physics, but also serves as excellent focus and entertainment for children.

Easy way

A simple fountain, which can be built with your own hands is called a garon fountain. To provide a child an ocean positive emotion when launching a new toy, it takes quite a bit of time and effort. To build a fountain need:

  • Plasticine. Can be replaced with hot glue
  • Tubes for cocktails
  • 2 bottles of 2 l or so
  • Dyes
  • Water liquid tank
  • The space where the fountain will stand - basin, bath or tray
  • Funnel
  • Knife

Method for creating:
Everything will take about 5 minutes. At the same time, the tubes will be swivel, and to decorate the fountain they can be turned up and down.

  1. Bottles wash. If there are stickers on them, they are dying. The stationery knife carefully cut the holes in the bottle of holes on the same level. Holes need as much as it is planned to insert the tubes.
  2. Insert the tubes after that with the help of the tubes connect both bottles. Holes from which water can be frozen, flashes something sticky or stuck with hot glue. It is necessary to act carefully because it can deform plastic bottles.
  3. Two different containers poured exactly so much water as needed for the experiment. Dilute it dye. It is necessary that the child is an example of mixing two liquids of different colors seen as moving water in a fountain.
  4. The water bottle is poured through the funnel. Water flows from a bottle in the other, the two colors are mixed to form a new shade. The tubes serve as functional decoration, discarding excess fluid displaced volume of water flowing out of the other container.

sophisticated way

This version of the fountain acts due to the force of gravity and costs without financial investments. Bottles and glue for its manufacture will be found in every home, and the joy of children will be invaluable.
For its construction will be useful:

  • One bottle of plastic 2 l
  • 2 bottles of smaller yogurt
  • Rod from handle for writing
  • Cocktail tubes
  • Rubber tube and connector connectors
  • Loose cap
  • Nail

In addition, the following equipment will be required:

  • Alcohol or gas burner
  • Knife
  • Scissors with pliers
  • Small Square Sand Paper
  • Hot glue with adhesive gun
  • Marker

The method of creating a fountain:

  1. Corks from bottles are degreasing and cleaned with sandpaper before glueing them with hot glue. On fire, he is heated by a distinguished nail and they carefully speculate a couple of small holes in both traffic jams. Connectors are twisted there.
  2. The bottom of the tank from the yogurt is degreased and the tube from a two-liter bottle is glued. Again the nail on fire and put a couple of holes in it.
  3. Take a rubber tube with a length of about 40 cm. One of her tip is focused in a hole in a traffic jam. A part of the rod is inserted into the other so that the design is tight. After that, all the gaps fill with hot glue.
  4. The second tip of the tube is connected to the connector on glued plugs. A cocktail tube is twisted into it. Then it is shortened so that it concerns the bottom of the tank.
  5. From a large bottle cut up the top and connect it to the plug, which is already glued. It came the turn of the nozzle. It is made from a piece of rubberized tube and cap from glue or rod from the handle. The finished nozzle is connected to the tube from the dropper, which is already in the device, with the help of a connector.
  6. To succeed, one part of the rubberized tube must be stretched by looking at it the end of the river. Nozzle need a jet to be thin and raised high. Without it, water will begin to drain down like a waterfall.
  7. To the connector on the second side of the glued plugs, another tube hurt, it is also cut so that it concerns the bottom of the container. Then all the parts of the fountain are connected to one device.
  8. If you need to increase the stability of the design, cut out from the plastic bottle of dysheko and glue it with a corrugated part to the bottom of the fountain. At this, its construction is considered completed.


The launch of this fountain will require a little effort, but the result will exceed all expectations.

  1. Water poured into the lowest capacity, revealing it before it.
  2. Connect the bottle back and turn the fountain. When the liquid rushed down, it will drain completely. If the process is delayed, you can click on the bottle.
  3. Set up the fountain bowl. To start actions need to pour about 50 ml of fluid into the bowl above. She looked down, displace water from the bottom of the bottle and the fountain will work.
  4. When the fountain will stop working, it should be easy to turn. To recharge it is no longer necessary.

The main distinguishing feature of this fountain is that his jet hit so high that it exceeds the level of the source. And this is without any motor or other complex mechanism. The practical application of this fountain for adults is that it can be used as a moisturizer for the plants in the room.

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