Leave funds to the "Black Day" is a good habit. All early or late need a small amount of money. To accumulate funds, it is convenient to use a piggy bank. It is not necessary to buy it, because such a thing can be made it with your own hands from the girlfriend.
How to make a piggy bank from tin can
Take the used tin can (for example, from under coffee or baby mixture). Swelling a hole for coins in the upper lid. Decorate the piggy bank, placing it with colored paper or bright stickers.
How to make a piggy bank from plastic bottle
Cut with plastic bottle front and back. The middle does not need, you can throw it away. The bottom is put on the top and fasten the scotch. Aerosol Paint a bottle in the color you like. Wait until the bottle is dry. With the help of a knife, make a neat hole on top. You can turn the bottle in a funny pig, gluing to the base of the bottle of eyes for toys. Glue the legs from plastic covers, and the ears can be made of cardboard.
How to make a piggy bank from a cardboard box
The easiest option of making piggy banks. Find a small cardboard box. Cut it with colored cloth. Top neat hole for trivia.
How to make a piggy bank from a glass jar
Save the lid on the bank of any container. In the lid, cut a hole for trivia and bill. Decorate at will. You can glue the funny inscriptions, wrap the cloth or enclose bright ribbons. Attach paper butterflies or bright bows.
How to make a piggy bank from match boxes
To create such a piggy bank, you need a large number of empty match boxes. They must be glued to each other in several tiers. It turns out the retractable piggy bank for the little things. A trifle of various nominal can be folded in different boxes. The owner of such a piggy bank should be a person with an iron power, because from there a little thing to remove it is easy.
Using the simplest items, you can make a convenient piggy bank. Now the accumulated funds will be with you, and you can use your money at any moment. Copy longer and more!