How to prepare strudel with puff-dough apples?

How to prepare strudel with puff-dough apples?

Apple strudel we remember from childhood, well, at least it called him the grandmother. The recipe was residually approximately close to the classic - apple pie, twisted in the roll, but the dough was not at all exhaust or puff, it is the main component for creating a present strit. Let's find out what ingredients should be part of the real apple strit and how to prepare at home.

Ingredients for strzdel

The first time the mention of Shatidel and his recipe was known in the seventeenth century, somewhere in Austria. Then it was believed that it was not so easy to cook the cake from the exhaust dough, but the fillings could be the most diverse.

It is worth noting immediately to note that, for example, a quarreling with apples or cakes with a similar stuffing prepare much easier. That is why the hostess is not so often solved on the preparation of a classic strit with apples. Also characteristic is also the fact that modern recipes for this dish are quite strongly dealt with the traditional classic, so to speak by the real recipe for apple strzdel.

A very important point - the dessert strudel to the table should be supplied necessarily hot, and if we talk about traditions, then ice cream and whipped cream are served to such a pie. Most dates the strzdel give the owl to the preference of tea or coffee with a fragrant pie. Studel loves Hungarians, Czechs and many other Slavic nationalities.

Some are preparing strudel with apples from puff pastry, it is also considered one of the species of the cake with apples. The fact is that such popularity strudel with apples gained also due to the availability of the fruit component in it, because apples can be reached at any time of the year, unlike the rest of the fruit.

The most important rule of the preparation of the cake under consideration is to use the "exhaust" test and only it. There are no yeast in this test, it rolls it very thinly, so much that it should look like a dense polyethylene. It is from such a test that those popular in the east dishes are also prepared as, Pakhlava, Bangitsa Bulgarian and Burebs. Such a dough is perfectly stretched and is elastic.

Recipe Stander

So, having prepared strudel on the recipe under consideration below, you will get one strudel, to prepare it to baking you need for about an hour. Bakes in the oven, about an hour and a half. In general, on the preparation of the present strzdel you can leave two and a half hours, but believe me, it is worth it.

Required ingredients for cooking Studer with apples and their number:

  • flour (it is desirable to make preference to the side of wheat, and, the highest grade) or puff pastry
  • 6 medium sized apples (they should be sour-sweet)
  • 250 g of powder
  • a couple of tea spoons of brown sugar
  • 5 teaspoons of sugar powder (the cake must be very sweet)
  • 90 g of butter
  • putter Izyuma (preferably without bone)
  • flap of Roma (can be replaced by brandy, only quality)
  • 6 tea spoons for breading
  • a couple of chicken eggs
  • various Spices - Cinnamon, Vanilla, Nut Muscata, Carnation

Step-by-step preparation instructions

It may seem that the preparation of the classic battery of the hands of only professional cooks, but it is not so simple such a process cannot be called, but the fact that he is even a beginner cook, this is a fact, follow the instructions and everything will turn out:

  • Choose apples for cake. In this case, it is better to give preference to such varieties as Grennie Smith or Renet Simirenko, because for the recipe we need sufficiently solid apples that would not allocate too much juice and did not break down.
  • Previously soak raisins - floor of a glass of water to connect with a similar amount of alcohol selected and all this is pouring into the dishes with raisins. There we add complete chopsticks of cinnamon and quite a bit carnation. Leave a clumsy raisin aside for a while.
  • First of all, we cook the filling - Pour sugar and brown sugar on the pan, butter and all the remaining spices, and the number of spices and their set is a taste, so there are some specific recommendations on this occasion. By the way, oil add melted.
  • We add to all this the clumsy raisins and alcohol in which he languished a couple of hours. The main thing is not to forget to remove the cinnamon sticks from there, they will no longer suit us.
  • Everyone is thoroughly interfering and heated on low heat while sugar does not start turning into caramel, it will begin to darken and foam. It is better to heat the ingredients under the lid, peeping periodically there. Clean the blocks from the skins, cut the plates, not too thin and add them to the cooked sugar composition.

  • We continue to stew apples, raisins, alcohol and sugar on medium heat, while the pieces of apples are not softened, but do not overdo it so that the apples do not break down.
  • We prepare the dough - in deep dishes you need to mix wheat flour (cup 2) and one egg. Heat a little water (125 ml is enough) and pour into flour by adding a pair of pinch of salt. All ingredients mix and knead the dough. Remember, such a dough should be very well mixed (as long as it stops sticking to the hands). You can also use puff pastry.
  • After rolling very thinly the dough, so that it was possible to read the newspapers through it and wrapping the stuffing in it, having touched the oil. We smear evenly on the dough stuffing and wrap as a roll, we ship into the oven to the time specified in the recipe.

Strudel is ready to feed on the table.

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