Previously, in ancient times, cowing was cooked from wheat. It was a festive dish. It was seasoned with all sorts, accessible then for a simple people, delicacies: honey, raisins and other dried fruit, nuts (forest, almonds, walnuts), Mac. How to cook kun? We will find out in this article.
What kind of wheat is cooking for Christmas?
Previously, before cooking Bucket for Christmas, worked for a long time over the preparation of wheat:
- Wheat was falling asleep with small portions in the pitch, then, pouring warm water to little by little, pushing with a wooden pestle.
- Then wheat dried and sieved from husks.
- Then washed several times in water. Such actions from wheat removed the outer shell.
- And only then cooked for a long time, about 2 hours.
Now wheat, intended for the buns, in the shops purified, and cook it will have to be not close to half an hour.
How to cook bun for christmas?
The main components from which you need to prepare Bucket for Christmas are:
- Wheat - a symbol of fertility
- Poppy - security symbol
- Honey - Symbol of Sweet Life
The remaining ingredients in the curb only complement the main.
- 1 cup of wheat
- 2-3 glasses of water
- 4 tbsp. l. Honey
- 100 g of poppy, raisins, stroke and roasted nuts
- 0.5 h. L. Sololi.
- 1 tbsp. l. Oil purified vegetable
- We rinse wheat several times in water, crude wheat fill with water for 3-5 hours so that the swelling and faster was cooked, peeled wheat swelling is not necessary - it can be prepared immediately.
- Wheat is falling asleep into a thick-walled saucepan, we pour 2 glasses of water, vegetable oil, squeeze the salt, cook under the lid on a weak fire, stirring. If the water is popping, and wheat is still firm - add more boiling water, and cook before the softness of wheat.
- Poppy pour boiling water for 1 hour, then we drag the water, and the poppy in the mortar can be twisted several times on the meat grinder or use the blender. It is necessary to pertripe until the white liquid appears - Machine Machine.
- Raisins pour boiling water for 20 minutes, then drain the water.
- Walnuts, or another kind of nuts, dried on a dry pan, grind in a meat grinder or a rill on a kitchen board.
- The warm wheat is refilled with a gripped poppy, crushed nuts, softened by raisins, chopped finely dried fruits from Uzvar, liquid honey, and let her be soaked for several hours. Buckets are poured with a nodier, and we feed on the table.
How to cook bun for christmas and sue?
Nowadays, it is possible to cook a bunch of Christmas and file to the table, the bay of it is one of the drinks:
- Uzvar from dried apples, pears, drain, grapes, apricots
- Juice from apples, pears, drain, oranges and other fruits and berries
- Saturated Compote Fresh Fruit
Bucket eaten, dialing into a spoonful of liquid and porridge.
So, we learned how to prepare Kunt for Christmas from wheat to please our loved ones in Christmas days.