How to cook pea soup smoked

How to cook pea soup smoked

Prepare pea smoked pea soup, delicious and satisfying lunch you are provided. The pea soup itself is quite a nutritious dish, but when smoked into it, it acquires an extra taste of smoked meat and an appetizing aroma that seduce any gourmet.

Pea soup with smoked pork ribs

Pea soup with smoked pork ribs is one of the favorite first dishes of the inhabitants of Great Britain, Germany, Finland, and others. European countries. The classic recipe of this soup includes a minimum set of necessary products.

Required products:

  • dried peas - 400 grams;
  • side pork ribs - 500 grams;
  • onions - 1 piece;
  • medium-sized carrots - 1 piece;
  • potatoes - 500 grams;
  • vegetable oil - 2-3 tablespoons;
  • salt, spices - to taste.

Cooking method:

  • The first thing you need to do is soak the peas in cold water and give it to stream within 12 hours. It is necessary so that the peas are well touched in the soup. The chipped pea is welded much faster than one-piece, therefore, to save time, it is best to take it.
  • Put in a saucepan with a boiling water with watering pork ribs and boil them about 1 hour.
  • While the ribs are boiled, do the preparation of vegetables, namely, clean the potatoes, carrots and onions from the peel. Cut the potatoes with small cubes, and the onions and carrots are finely tied. So that potatoes do not blacken, it must be omitted in cold water.
  • Fry carrot with bow on vegetable oil to golden crust.
  • After the pork ribs breathed within an hour, add peas in them, pre-died in water and boil within 40 minutes. Before adding pea, it is necessary to merge water from it. Do not forget about salt.
  • After this time, add chopped potatoes into a saucepan with peas and fins and cook everything over 15-20 minutes.
  • Five minutes before the complete readiness of the soup, add to it ready to roasted (onions with carrots).
  • Finished pea soup with smoked pork ribs. Customized with croutons.

Pea soup with smoked sausages

The easiest way to prepare pea soup with smoked meat is to cook it with smoked sausages. The speed of preparation will in no way affect the taste, and even on the contrary, such a soup is glad to eat even small kids.

Required products:

  • koloti peas - 1 cup;
  • smoked sausages - 300-400 grams;
  • potatoes - 3-4 pieces;
  • carrot - 1 piece;
  • onion repka - 1 piece;
  • salt, spices - to taste;

Cooking method:

  • Soak peas in cold water and in this form leave it overnight.
  • Drain the water from the peas, rinse it again well, fill with cold water and put it ragged.
  • Meanwhile, do the preparation of roasted. To do this, soda carrots on the grater, and the onions pour into small pieces, fry vegetables on vegetable oil, not forgetting them to salt.
  • Potatoes Clean the peel and cut into small cubes.
  • Smoked sausages cut into random order.
  • As soon as the peas becomes soft, put in the pan prepared potatoes and smoked sausages and boil until full of potato cooking.
  • Pierce should be added at the very end, five minutes before the fulware of the dish.
  • In the finished soup, at will, you can add any seasonings and greens at your discretion.

Pea puree soup with smoked ham

It is quite simple, but, nevertheless, very tasty and nutritious pea soup, which will work from the first time even at a beginner hostess.

Required products:

  • koloti pea;
  • smoked chicken ham;
  • carrot;
  • onion;
  • potato;
  • vegetable oil;
  • salt, pepper, seasonings.

Cooking method:

  • Put a saucepan with water and covered in it with peas on the middle fire and cook peas until its full preparation.
  • After 10-15 minutes of the pea cooking, add chicken smoked ham in a saucepan, this is done so that the soup acquires the appetizing aroma of smoked. As soon as the peas boil, smoked will need to get smoked.
  • While peas is boiled, prepare vegetable roasted. Bow with carrots Cut with arbitrary pieces and fry them with the addition of salt and vegetable oil.
  • Potatoes Clean the peel and cut into small pieces. Launch potatoes in the pan follows 10 -15 minutes until pea is ready.
  • As soon as the potatoes are welded, add to the soup ready to roast and remove it from the fire.
  • A little cooled the soup with a blender grind.
  • Smoked chicken hammers separate the meat from the dice and cut it into small pieces.
  • Ready pour the soup into a bowl and top with slices of smoked chicken.
  • Ready soup can be served with crackers and cream.

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