How to get KSM

How to get KSM

Any sport requires full self-dedication from the athlete. Often, the pursuit of titles turns into various injuries, and only a huge desire, faith and perseverance make a person rise again and return to his beloved professional activity. Persistence athletes do not occupy, they must learn from early years in sports, when the first weighty step is to get the title of CMS. How to get it, Consider below.

Get CMC has the right to any athlete since the age of 13. To do this, you will have to work hard and occupy certain places at competitions or to win the number of victories. Places to obtain the CCM are established depending on the level of the competition.

So, to get CMC will be able to those who at the Russian championship ranked the third and fourth place in the team championship and the steam discharge, and from the fifth to the eighth place among the single speakers. At the Russian Championship, it is necessary to take in the team championship from the third on the sixth place, in the pair discharge - the fifth or sixth place, in solitary - from the thirteenth to twentieth place. And in the Russian Cup will have to compete for places from the third eighth. In all cases, the number of victories should be 12. It is worth noting that, depending on the sport, the age of assigning titles and demands on the places obtained in competitions may also be changed. Refer to the Unified All-Russian Sports Classification for more detailed information.

For those who are going to perform at the European Championship in order to get CCM, it is necessary to take 3-4 places in the team championship and pair discharge, for single athletes - 5 and 8 places. To get CCM in team competitions, you will have to play at least half of the games. As for the rule of 12 victories for obtaining the title of CMS, all defeated rivals should also have this title.


The victory overlooking the athlete having a sports rank is equated to two. And if you defeated several times the same athlete, consider these victories for one. Start your sports year from the date of receipt of the first victory.

In a judiciary, at least one judge of the Republican category should be present in the judging composition when assigning the title of a candidate in the master of sports. Get the CCM is not enough, subsequent will have to confirm its discharge. For this you need to defeat 3 athletes of your discharge or 6 athletes discharge below.

In order to continue to confidently reach the peaks in the sports career, it is important to start doing the profile as early as possible. The coach is of great importance: it is not enough that it is a good half of responsibility for achieving an athlete, some coaches have such a psychological influence that they are able to completely repel the desire to play sports in the future. Inattention or excess head of the coach can lead to any consequences, even injury. A beginner athlete needs to be remembered: a good coach is a key to success.

If you firmly assimary to associate your fate with sports, choose a sports school or a university with a physical incident to further study. You can practice workouts constantly. Participate in competitions between universities and in urban competitions - you will have the opportunity to get an adult discharge to then go to the next level. Next, you will go to regional competitions, and this is the right way to get CMC.


Now you know how to get CCM. The path of the athlete is not easy and often a ternist, so before tie your life with professional sports, thoughtfully planning her in advance. Receiving or at least plans for additional higher or secondary vocational education will be quite by the way. And then boldly move forward to the goal. Good luck to you and big victories!

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