How to lose weight in 50 years

How to lose weight in 50 years

Many women are confident that it is almost impossible to lose weight after 50 years. Slow metabolism, hormonal failure, climax, minimal physical activity leads to a set of excess weight. Complexes, stress and even depression begin to develop from a dissatisfied appearance. We offer to discard all doubts and prove that you lose weight in 50 years - this is real!

Food correct

If throughout your life you adhered to proper nutrition, then there will be no problems with the "diet after 50". It is more difficult for those who started their breakfast from the sandwich and did not refuse a fast food. The main thing is to give yourself a setting and believe that weight loss is not only beautiful, but also very useful for the body.

  • we start with the intestinal cleansing (prepare a decoction of oats: 1 tbsp. Well dried, ground grains pour 3 l. filtered water, boil on low heat for 1 hour, stirring regularly. The cooled decoction to strain and drink a daily 200 ml.). Such a drink is useful not only on weight loss, it minimizes the development of the stomach cancer, strengthens the immune system;
  • forget about fried meat - no matter how a kebab or chop from pork, you should refuse them. Fatty meat not only adds extra pounds, but also leads to a rapid aging of the skin, increases the level of "bad" cholesterol (we include boiled chicken meat, turkey, rabbit, low-fat beef in the diet;
  • often eat and drink a lot - no weight loss will give a positive result if you will starve. It is necessary 5 times a day. Portion should be placed in your palm, we will definitely include useful vegetables in the diet. Morning begin with complex carbohydrates (oatmeal and buckwheat porridge on water), dinner non-fat squirrels. Fruits can be eaten until 14. Do not forget about the water. Drinking is necessary for 1 tbsp. in hour. Water should be cool;
  • we drink vitamin smoothie (such a cocktail can replace the snack or a full lunch, the main thing, to competently mix the ingredients. One of the most effective smoothies for weight loss after 50 is pumpkin and beet. To diversify the taste you can add a handful of fresh or frozen berries. Drink is prepared on water or low-fat yogurt without additives);
  • we refuse sugar and salt (of course, the food you cook should be delicious, but it is extremely undesirable to add spices to it. Salt can be replaced with lemon juice, and sugar - stevia or natural honey.

We are engaged

In 50 years, the skin no longer has good elasticity, so if you adhere to the right nutrition, while not engaged in sports, it can blame. You can only tighten such a skin with exhausting workouts or surgically. Therefore, so that there is no such problem, do physical activity. If you have seen early exercises only on the sports channel, it is not a reason to refuse.

  • scandinavian walking is gaining great popularity and is the best sport after 50 years. Walking not only helps burn extra calories, but also strengthens the immune system, improves the work of the heart, makes the posture direct, increases the inflow of oxygen into the brain;
  • yoga and Fly Yoga - many women have already made sure that yoga helps to lose weight, improves the operation of the respiratory system, eliminates back pain. Claim this sport helps to relive climax and menopause without tides and deterioration;
  • respiratory gymnastics - pay only 10 minutes. Proper breathing and you will immediately feel the influx of energy. Many organs by the 50 years begin to be exhausted, the first and hearts suffer the first. This is due to the environment, the rhythm of life, regular stresses. The respiratory gymnastics helps to saturate the organism with oxygen and promotes healthy weight loss;
  • meditation and autotraining - you can never forget that you are the most charming and attractive. Every day, in front of the mirror Motivate yourself and say that you will succeed. The correct psychological attitude will help to easily spread with extra kilograms.

If during weight loss you feel ailment, lethargy, irritation is a reason to consult a dietsist doctor who will help correct your food.

Comments leave a comment
Louise 17/09/2021 at 11:38

Training is an important part of the fight against obesity. They help to spend excess energy and stimulate the decay of adipose tissue. However, the body "does not like" to part with fat, which, hypothetically, may still be needed and responds to the burning energy of tough savings. The plateau begins - no progress for weeks or months. A more intensive program is required, add more beneficial to health activity to it.
Add a massage by an Italian veasage of a horse-haired and aloe sisal. Makes peeling and massage, removes old cells with mud, then, bacteria, skin fat. Acne disappear, unpleasant smell, itching. Peeling cleans, updates and rejuvenates the skin. The massage of the Italian veasus helps to eliminate structural changes in the subcutaneous layer, there is a feeling of heat, in which the toxins come out and the active splitting of fat cells begins, the orange peel disappears, stretching, the skin becomes an elastic, elastic, well leaves the volume.

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