Linen is very useful in that it includes omega-3 acids. Linen oil is rich in vitamins, has a beneficial effect on the human body. The effect of it is colossy, if only drinking oil correctly. This will be about it.
Linen oil is recommended to take in the morning 25 minutes before meals in 1 tablespoon. In the evening, the oil is also allowed to drink in the same dosage as in the morning, and it needs to be done 30 minutes after the last meal. Do not exceed the norm, the daily amount of oil is not more than 3 tablespoons. It is better to start drinking from 1 teaspoon, gradually bringing the dose to 1 tablespoon. With regular oil reception, you will feel the results after two months.
It is useful to be treated with linseed oil. When complying with the correct dosage, this product will heal your body. Also, do not neglect the advice of the doctor, consult about the oil reception. Linen oil remarks prophylaxis, but with serious diseases, it is still worth consulting a doctor.