How to drink a boron uterus

How to drink a boron uterus

The boron uterus or orthilia is one -sided for many centuries helps women get pregnant. Also, this miracle growth helps to get rid of common gynecological diseases and intestinal disorders. But the healing effect of such treatment lies in the correct use of the plant according to a certain scheme.

Boron uterus - beneficial properties

Ortilia one -sided belongs to a group of plants that are rich in natural phytohormones. Thanks to these components, the boron uterus helps to restore the impaired hormone balance and resume the childbearing function. But, besides this, the plant shows many other therapeutic properties:

  • Stabilizes blood pressure.
  • Helps to eliminate infertility caused by an endocrine factor.
  • It is the prevention of oncological processes.
  • Reduces increased sweating.
  • It takes a symptomatic picture of menopause.
  • Effective for inflammatory processes.
  • Stimulates blood circulation.
  • Due to the presence of wine and acetic acid, the increased acidity of gastric juice is normalized, metabolism stabilizes.
  • The presence of resins will raise the immunity and depress the harmful microflora.

The boron uterus also helps men. Its use resumes the activity of sperm, the work of kidneys and the reproductive system.

Before starting treatment, it is recommended to donate blood to the quantitative determination of female sex hormones.

It is important to know that the boron uterus is contraindicated in such situations:

  • Violation of patency of the fallopian tubes.
  • The period of gestation and lactation.
  • Exacerbation of gastritis.
  • A tendency to bleeding any genesis.

Boron uterus - a scheme of admission in different diseases

How much to drink boron uterus and in what form it is better to use depends on the disease:

  • With infertility, alcohol infusion of plants is prescribed. Treatment begins after the end of the next menstruation and lasts exactly 21 days. Take the infusion of 1 tbsp. l. once a day. After a seven -day break (period of menstruation), the next course of treatment begins. In total, you need to go from 1 to 6 courses depending on the results.
  • With fibroma, you need to drink 10 drops of tincture, previously diluted with a glass of warm water. You need to take the product two hours after the meal. One course is 21 days, then a 10-day break is taken and treatment continues according to the same scheme.

Alcohol tincture can be cooked independently: pour 100 g of grass with a liter of alcohol and let it with a drug insist for about a month.

  • With ovarian cyst and endometriosis, the decoction of orthelia one -sidedly helps more effectively. It is necessary to brew in 200 ml of boiling water 1 tbsp. l. dry raw materials for half an hour. A decoction of 100 ml is accepted twice a day 3 months with a break during menstruation.
  • In adhesions, as a result of acute inflammation or surgical intervention, 1 tbsp should be diluted. l. Tinctures of 100 ml of water and take three times a day between the meal.
  • With mastopathy, tincture is used 10 drops 3 times a day for a long time.

Instead of dry grass, you can use a pharmacy phyto-one based on a bore uterus. One filter pack for a cup is brewed according to the instructions.

The boron uterus has long been recognized as official medicine and is often prescribed to women by doctors. Since the plant affects the level of hormones, treatment should be selected only by an experienced specialist in order not to disturb the hormonal background.

Comments leave a comment
Alya 06/06/2018 at 7:14

The boron uterus is actually just a miracle. She sooo helped me with the symptoms of menopause to cope. True, together with her, the laedice took the formula for menopause, but I think, all this worked well precisely due to the fact that there was an integrated approach. Highly recommend. I have already forgotten about tide and insomnia, which is very happy)

Glafira 17/17/2018 at 15:07

I usually drink 2 times a day half a glass (this is precisely the tincture diluted with warm water)+additionally still cyclic. All the doctor advised this ... and I am very grateful to him, because the condition has really become better, the priority does not bother, irritability too ... And this is the most important thing, I think)


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