Diarya and its symptoms are familiar to every person. This is a condition in which feces are released very often and contain a lot of water. These discharge is accompanied by acute pain.
Reviewing therapy
With diarrhea It is very important to normalize the water-salt balance. Preparations with such substances can help in this - potassium salts, glucose. They contribute to an increase in electrolytes and prevent the development of violations. Reviewing Therapy is solutions that can be drunk or chopped. You need to use these funds in the treatment of diarrhea after consulting a doctor.
Compliance with the diet
The main aspect in the treatment of diarrhea is the optimal diet. Thanks to this, you can exclude the symptoms of diarrhea and improve the general state of health.
- The first days of diarrhea are required to be excluded from the diet of fatty and fried, sharp dishes, bread, dairy products, fruits and vegetables. They irritate the walls of the stomach and intestines, and also lead to the fact that gas formation increases, and this complicates the treatment.
- To alleviate the symptoms that the body transfers, you need to eat wiped cereals, jelly, dried white bread (small doses), not sweet tea.
- If relief has come, then you can introduce a little vegetables, meat and fish for steam.
Diarya preparations
Today the market offers a huge number of all kinds of drugs. They are divided into such groups:
- reducing the degree of intestinal secretion,
- harmful components that remove from the body,
- normalizing the intestine.
The choice of drugs is carried out by the attending physician. If this is not possible, then you need to try it yourself get rid from the cause of diarrhea. They will come to the rescue sorbing funds that bring toxins without negative impact on other organs, for example, Polysorb. This medicine can use both adults and children.
When therapy, you need to restore the motor function of the intestine. The disease involves the rapid movement of feces through the intestines, irritating its walls and this leads to chaotic reduction. In this case, the patient feels discomfort and pain. Normalizes motor skills with active substance - loperamid (Imodium). In addition to the main treatment, they are prescribed probiotics. These microorganisms present in normal intestinal microflora and participating in digestive processes contribute to the restoration of the absorption of useful components. With a bacterial infection, more serious drugs will be required - these are antibiotics that cope with bacterial microorganisms.
In the treatment of diarrhea, rest is very important, thanks to which you can help the body in the fight against diarrhea. The state of rest is especially effective in stressful cases, anxious situations or other irritants.
Grandmother's advice
Phytotherapy has a favorable effect in the treatment of diarrhea. Various herbal infusions reduce the secretion of the intestine. Popular folk recipes:
- Dry blueberries and let it brew in the water for 9 hours. Take in small sips all day.
- Pour a couple of fruits of hawthorn with hot water. Then boil and insist. Standed broth dilute 200 ml of boiled water. Take a spoon three times a day.
- Until breakfast, eat a clove of garlic and drink with cool water. Repeat the procedure for ten days.
- Take two parts of dill seeds and one wormwood, pour boiling water. Take ten minutes before eating.
Inexpensive treatment for diarrhea
If the patient does not stop diarrhea on the third day, the calls are more frequent, traces of blood appeared in the feces, then consultation with a doctor will be required. All Home methods in this case are inappropriate and dangerous. The body can get dehydration, signs of this:
- constant desire to drink and dry cavity;
- the minimum number of urination, the appearance of dark yellow;
- weakness, the desire to sleep, a decrease in attention.
In infants, the relief of the fontanel deepens, it flows, and the skin takes not an elastic state. If the patient has at least one symptom, then this is a bell to see a doctor. It will reveal the cause and prescribe rational treatment of the body, which will not cause complications.
To avoid the development of diarrhea, you need to adhere to hygiene rules, pour vegetables and fruits with boiling water, buy products in proven places. And if still This happened to take medications that eliminate the symptoms and adhere to proper nutrition.
Good tips, thanks, the only thing I do not trust grandmother's methods. It is better to consult a doctor, the doctor advised me Enterofuril, he does not harm the normal intestinal flora. And most importantly, he helped me a lot with diarrhea.
as for me, so with such a disease it is better to take verified tools than grandmother's recipes to try in practice)
Marina, for sure. And then, if it is not correctly treated, then you can only aggravate the situation (I fly diarrhea only if this happens. And I definitely take Enterosgel, which, by the way, removes all toxins, slags from the body naturally. I clean, so to speak from all muck.