How to measure basal temperature

How to measure basal temperature

Many girls, planning their pregnancy, make up graphics of basal temperature to calculate the days of ovulation. About how to make these graphs there are many articles, but how to measure this very, basal temperature, is not told in all. Therefore, we want to devote the article to the topic of measuring basal temperature.

What is basal temperature?

The basal is called the temperature, the indicator of which is as close as possible to the heating indicators inside the human body at rest. Since "make the weather" inside the body hormones, then tracking basal temperature, you can determine how much and when their level has changed. In addition to hormones, gynecological diseases can lead to fluctuations in the temperature of the internal physiological system.

Before resorting to the graphic measurement of basal temperature, it is necessary to undergo a full examination of the gynecologist.

Preparation for measuring basal temperature

  1. Initially, you should track your menstrual cycle. If it is stable, then you can start measurements and build a schedule. D.
  2. to track the basal temperature indicators, you will need a normal mercury thermometer and notepad (notebook) to fix indicators.
  3. It is possible to use an electronic thermometer, but it has errors in the tenths, which are so important when fixing basal temperature.
  4. Measure basal temperatures in the anal hole, so women having an inflamed hemorrhoids will better time with measurements.

How to measure basal temperature correctly? Step-by-step instruction

To measure basal temperatures, you need to follow certain rules and perform the following actions:

  1. The measurement process is carried out in the morning without getting out of bed. Therefore, pre-prepare a thermometer and place it close to the bed.
  2. The most favorable time for fixing basal temperatures is the period from 6:30 to 7:30 in the morning.
  3. The thermometer is neatly introduced into the anal hole. More convenient to do it lying on the side. Keep the thermometer should be 7-10 minutes.
  4. Gently pull out the thermometer and evaluate the result by writing it into a notebook.

To estimate the base temperature indicators to measure it over three months of cycles. After the graphics are built, and the situation is analyzed.

Why is the basal temperature change? A little about physiology

Many women are interested: what happens in a physical aspect with a woman's body, why the temperature inside the body changes, and what indicators are considered normal. As you know, the cycle of menstruation has three phases. It is from their occurrence that the temperature depends on.

  • After the end of menstruation and until the middle of the cycle, while the egg does not begin to leave the ovary, the temperature indicators will be stable and held in the range of 36.3 s - 36.8 C.
  • When ovulation occurs, the temperature rapidly jumps to 37.0 C - 37.3 C.
  • Such numbers are fixed before the beginning of the following menstruation. Only a couple of days before they start the scale the thermometer slides down.

If the temperature decreases did not occur, you can suspect a pregnancy. And the absence of a raise peak in the middle of the cycle indicates the absence of ovulation in this menstrual cycle.

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