How to define ovulation

How to define ovulation

To help quickly conceive a child or, on the other hand, take precautions from unwanted pregnancy will help calculate ovulation. Determine the date of its occurrence is easy if a woman has a permanent menstrual cycle. If menstruation is inconsistent or there are failures in physiological processes in the body, it should be additionally calculated ovulation. It is advisable to use several methods to make sure that the result is true.

Determination of ovulation for well-being

Ovulation is a physiological process, when the ripe follicle in the ovary is broken and the egg, ready for fertilization, is moving towards a phallopyan pipe. All this process lasts an hour, and when the goal is achieved, then within 24 hours there is a great opportunity to get pregnant.

In the case when a woman carefully monitors his well-being, then the moment of this phenomenon will affect her health. Signs of such a process are such changes:

  • novaya or pulling pain in the abdomen;
  • feeling of gravity in the chest;
  • sharp mood swings, irritability and aggression;
  • small blood discharge may appear;
  • flatulence;
  • the emergence of strong sexual attraction.

If there are doubts about the onset of ovulation, then the doctor will help to make sure the doctor will help. The specialist will be able to visually determine the process on such symptoms:

  • the following increases, their consistency changes;
  • the cervix is \u200b\u200bmodified: it becomes loose, soft and slightly open;
  • the chest becomes severe to the touch, but without seals.

Own sensations, together with the statement of the doctor, will give an accurate result in whether ovulation has come.

Determination of ovulation with ultrasound

This method is most accurate. With the help of the apparatus, it is possible to reliably determine when the egg is coming out of the ovary and its promotion to the pipes. Also, such a method will be able to determine the difficulties in the process, if any. The specialist will make comments about the slow movement of the egg or other problems, then with these comments, you should contact your doctor.

Although this method and the most accurate, but it is the most costly in time. Not every modern woman has sufficient resources to highlight the time going to the doctor for a few days in a row for the month.

Determining the phenomenon using an online calculator

Computer technologies are so firmly included in our life, which can even determine the day of ovulation using special ovulation calculators. To get an accurate result, you should initially specify reliable data:

  • the beginning of the menstrual cycle;
  • average cycle duration;
  • the total number of menstruation days.

If the parameters are incorrect, then the result will be inaccurate. Also, this method will be invalid if regular failures in the orgasm of a woman occur and it is impossible to systematize data.

Online calculators are more rational to use in the form of an additional fund, rather based only in this method.

The process of determining the calendar

If it is not urgent to determine ovulation, you can resort to the involvement of a conventional calendar. In this case, within 2-3 months you need to determine the duration of the cycle. Then you should calculate the average indicators and find out the day for conception, relying on the standard calculation of the day of ovulation.

This method will not be good if you need to quickly get the result.

Measure basal temperature

Another reliable method is to establish a level of basal temperature. The speed is also not a lot of this method. For several days in a row, you should shoot indicators to obtain accurate data. This method involves using the instructions:

  • measurement of temperature in the vagina for five minutes;
  • measuring the temperature in the anus within five minutes;
  • regular diary for entries to draw conclusions on their basis.

The most suitable will be the results that were obtained in the morning, after night sleep. On the day "x" basal temperature will be significantly higher.

Use to determine the cervical mucus

This method is quite peculiar. Not everyone can identify changes in the discharge during a small period.

When ovulation occurs, the mucus becomes more viscous and resembles a rubber substance that is well stretched. It is precisely because an increase in the basal temperature is observed, which sharply changes the number of secretions from abundant to minimum.

Test - strips for determining ovulation

Changes in hormonal background - a harbinger of ovulation. Therefore, the right assistants in this process will be a test strip. So that the result was more accurate, you need to refrain from urination within 4 hours and not to use a lot of fluid during this period.

The method of determining ovulation is simple. You just need to make contact strips and urine for 20 seconds and using the control line to compare the result.

A wide variety of ovulation day determination will allow you to choose the most optimal and affordable. The use of several options simultaneously makes the result more accurate and more expensive.

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