How to determine the sex of the child without ultrasound

How to determine the sex of the child without ultrasound

From the moment of conception, the child acquires sexuality. The desire to learn the floor of the child is associated with certain tasks to be solved while the crumb is still in the stomach. In such tasks include choosing a name for a child, buying clothes and determining the color of the walls in the children's room. Not always on ultrasound, sex of the child is visible, and it is possible that the mother does not want to resort to such a survey. Previously, the sex of the child was determined without medical equipment, we offer several options for determining the floor of the child without an ultrasound.

How to determine the floor of a child without an ultrasound - pharmacological test

At the early period of pregnancy, get a special pharmacological test. This test does not have contraindications, it is safe and easy to do at home. Floor You will learn within a few minutes, I need to mix with a certain reagent and verify the resulting color with the instructions. The instructions are spelled out the correspondence of this color to the child of a certain floor.

How to determine the sex of the child without ultrasound - calculate ovulation

To determine the floor of the child in ovulation, it is necessary to know the exact date of ovulation and sexual intercourse. If the sexual act fell on ovulation, then the boy will most likely appear. Sperm with a male y-chromosome lightning reaches eggs. After time, they are destroyed. Speatozoa with female x-chromosome is slower, but if the sexual act was before ovulation, they wait for a few days and fertilize the egg. In this case, wait for a girl.

How to determine the sex of the child without ultrasound - the timing of blood update

It is believed that the men's blood is updated every four years, and in female - every three. In order to learn the floor of the child, the age of parents must be divided into the corresponding digit. Who has less result, the blood is newer. Accordingly, the child should expect a child.

How to determine the sex of the child without ultrasound - the abdomen

Inspect your belly intently. Neat, protruding ahead of a pointed belly predicts you a boy. Oval and uneven stomach usually at mothers who are waiting for a girl. Also, such mothers have a belly from the chest, it is high. And if in the stomach boy, then the tummy is located low. Inspect yourself from the back with the help of mirrors. Expect a boy if the waist is thin and pregnancy from the back is not visible. And if the girl develops inside you, the waist will grow on the side and the stomach will be seen from all sides.

How to determine the sex of the child without ultrasound - inspect yourself in the mirror

Previously, they said that the girl steals beauty from Mom, and the boy helps her bloom. Take a look at your appearance. If you discovered pigment spots, acne, then wait for the girl. Look better and less than before? Definitely, a boy will be born.

How to determine the sex of the child without ultrasound - taste preferences

Try to determine the floor based on flavoring addictions. Without sweet live, you can not, absorb the fruit kilograms, adore fermented dairy products - expect a girl appearance. Boy will be born, if there is a craving to drink coffee, I really want meat products, cheese and fish.

Given the possible errors in the definition of sex, we advise you to focus on the neutral colors of clothes and walls, suitable for children of both sexes. Do not dwell too on the child's field, rejoice in the same way as a girl and a boy. Whatever the gentle is a baby, he will love you equally.

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