How to measure Talia

How to measure Talia

It is necessary to do the measurements of their waist not only for the selection and sewing of new clothes, but also to assess the state of health. Well, if you did the physical improvement of your body, then how else to track even the most minimal success easy Events? The fact is that it is difficult to determine the positive trend to the eye, and the outdoor scales show only a change in weight, but not volumes. Measures are the most reliable and reliable way to determine the effectiveness of your weight loss program. Therefore, if you are actively engaged, eat rationally, and the dimensions do not change - it means that your training program does not work, and it should be urgent. And about how to measure the waist, read further in this article.

When to do the waist measurements

Any measurements and waist, including, you need to do in the morning, immediately after visiting the restroom. The fact is that by the end of the day there may be lightweight swelling and an increase in body volume due to the food eaten. Therefore, the evening measurements are not entirely correct.


In order to measure the waist, you will need:

  • flexible measuring tape, otherwise called a sewing "centimeter";
  • a large mirror, preferably in full growth;
  • simple cord or braid.

Defining the waist

Remove all the clothes completely so that even underwear does not create unnecessary tubercles and did not distort the measurement result. Stand in front of the mirror directly, without tension, keeping the usual posture, with lowered down hands. Expand the legs so that the heels come into contact, and the socks were deployed.

Carefully look at yourself in the mirror. Follow the pelvic bones with your fingers. In the interval between them and the bottom ribs we find the most narrow part of our torso. This will be our waist. Among the tailors of the Soviet hardening is very common is very common about the fact that the waist is on the line of the navel. In no case do not focus on the navel, the measurement results will be erroneous. The position of the waist for each person individually and depends only on the anatomical features of the body structure.

Measuring the waist

Perform measurements only in exhalation. Fluently attach a centimeter to the waist parallel to the floor, without pulling. It is very important to prevent the savings of a centimeter or its distortion - it should be placed horizontally along the entire length. The stomach is not drawn up, but it is also not worth it. A place where "0" intersects with the other end of the tape, and will be an indicator of the thickness of your waist.

For the authenticity of the result, make three measurements and consider the average result. And you can also resort to the old grandmother's removal of accurate measurements. In this case, the waist line is fixed with a thin braid horizontally floor. Tie a tight, but watch not to drag. We apply a centimeter on top and determine the size. That's all!

How often do measurements

If you have a desire to control your changes, get the diary of measurements where you will record your measurements. It is necessary to freeze no earlier than every 3 weeks. You should not do more often, as you risk noticing differences in numbers.

And do not forget, the measurement of the waist plays a huge role for your health. The critical thickness of the waist in women should not exceed 88 cm, and men - 102 cm. If you have received results close to these or more of these values, be sure to consult a doctor. This result can talk about obesity and a serious threat to health. The doctor will make you a diagnostic event plan and will help solve the problem.

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