Nowadays, more and more often people have various neoplasms on the body. These include warts. To a greater extent they appear on the fingers. It seems that this happens suddenly - for no reason. However, it is not. And if such a nuisance happened to you, then first of all you want to get rid of it as soon as possible. In the article we will tell you how to get rid of a wart on your finger.
Why warts appear
Warts are considered small neoplasms of non -malignant nature. They arise due to the ingestion of the so -called human papilloma virus (hereinafter HPV). There are many varieties of HPV, and almost all of them lead to the formation of warts on the body. Infecting the above virus is quite easy. At risk, those people who have any damage or microtrauma on the skin. Infection occurs:
- firstly, with direct contact of healthy skin with skin infected with HPV;
- secondly, in everyday life-here you can become infected by using the clothes of an infected person, hygiene products, as well as household items;
- another source of infection may be places of mass accumulation of people with high humidity: saunas, baths, pools, etc.
But, oddly enough, not every person who is the carrier of HPV may appear warts. Why is this happening? As it turns out, some people may not show themselves for some people, although when the appropriate analyzes are passed, its presence in the body will be unambiguous. And in others, he immediately begins to actively appear in the form of warts. The following factors contribute to this:
- violations of the regime and quality of food
- various stressful situations
- weak immune system or a sharp decrease in the background of some diseases
- constant overwork
- hormonal disorders
- lack of fresh air
- deficiency of vitamins in the body
- increased sweating in the field of palms
In what ways can you remove the wart on your finger
Now we will dwell in more detail on what ways you can remove the warts on the fingers. The main ones are the following:
- The method of electrocoagulation. This method is more often used in private medical centers, and not in ordinary state hospitals and clinics. The wart is acted by electric shock. After the procedure, the place of removal is processed with appropriate means, and for a certain time the affected place heals.
- The next method is cryodestruction. This removal method is more characteristic of private medical institutions. Its essence is in effect on the neoplasm of liquid nitrogen. That is, the wart as if freezing. Sometimes not even one, but several procedures are required. Therefore, cryodestruction is more suitable for people with small neoplasms on their finger. In a large area of \u200b\u200blocalization, it is preferable to choose another removal method. Noteworthy is the fact that after removal, at the scene of liquid nitrogen, there are absolutely no scars or scars.
- The next method is laser exposure. It can be carried out both in a private clinic and in a cosmetology center. The essence of the method is the direct effect on the laser beam wart. The main advantage of this procedure is the absence of scars. In addition, laser removal is quite affordable.
- Surgically. In other words, the method can be called “in the old fashioned way”. Here, as with any surgical intervention, the affected area is completely excised by a scalpel. Next, the wound is treated with disinfection. At the site of excision, a crust is formed over time, as on an ordinary wound, which subsequently disappears. This method is characteristic of all state medical institutions where there are surgical rooms. True, there is one drawback. A scar may remain at the place of removal.
- By using chemicals. These can be various ointments and solutions containing acids. These funds help to dissolve solid neoplasms or gradually reduce them. These include salicylic acid, superchistor, Solcoderm, Conadin, Vartek, Werrukacid.
However, remember that any treatment must be agreed with a qualified specialist in order to exclude all contraindications and avoid side effects. Do not neglect your own health and do not self -medicate!
- And finally, the last method is removal with the help of folk remedies. We will talk about him further.
Folk methods of treating warts
Today, traditional medicine is widely practiced among the treatment of various diseases. Warts are no exception. We will introduce you the most popular methods of treating warts with folk remedies:
- To remove the wart from the finger, you will need celandine juice. Immediately before the procedure, lubricate the place around the wart with cream so that when it is removed, do not damage healthy skin. Now take the pipette and drop a few drops of celandine juice to the wart. This procedure is done every day until the disappearance.
- The second method is to remove garlic. Take the garlic, peel from the husk, pass through the garlic and squeeze the juice. The resulting juice drip on the wart several times a day. The procedure must be repeated until the wart disappears.
- The next folk method is essentially quite interesting. To remove the wart, you will need 1 apple. Cut the apple in half - eat one half, and grate the wart the second. After that, bury the half that they rubbed into the ground, in the place where people do not particularly go. When this apple rot in the ground, then the wart from the finger will disappear.
- No less peculiar in execution and the following way of breeding. You need to steal a small piece of raw meat, rub them with a wart and bury them in the ground. When the meat in the ground rolls, the wart will disappear. Moreover, our grandmothers said that the meat should not be asked from someone, it must definitely be taken so that the wart is withdrawn.
- Also in the old days, this method of removing the wart was popular. When you eat at the table, and you inadvertently fall out of the mouth of the crumb of bread, rub it with a wart. You yourself will not notice how it will disappear.
Traditional medicine is quite peculiar and interesting, but still there is a place to be. But it is still better to adhere to traditional methods of treatment. Although the choice, of course, is for you, dear readers. Watch your health and take care of yourself!
I have long removed the wart with a celandine pharmacy. The wart was removed perfectly, but the scar remained, and the removal itself was painful, it would still consist of a mixture of strong alkalis. Therefore, when my child had a wart on her finger, she removed her pharmacy verrucacid. This solution acts pointily unlike celandine, without penetrating the healthy skin tissues, so the removal is painless.