How to bake restrain bread

How to bake restrain bread

Bread - everything head. Probably everyone heard this proverb, and in fact, bread has bread in every healthy person. The cooked dome at home is the most useful, so it's not to be lazy and you need to learn how to cook bread. Today we will look at how to prepare at home the bread without adding yeast.

Nuances of cooking

A typical bread recipe includes the mandatory ingredient of yeast, but now bakery products without yeast become increasingly popular. It is this bread that includes people leading a healthy lifestyle in their diet. It should be noted that such bread also consumes people who suffer from various kinds of allergies, because the yeast is one of the components that causes food allergies.

Prepare this bread is not difficult, the main thing is to know a proven recipe and follow the preparation instructions. Cooking recipes of frozen bread are a variety of different, and some of them we will look at. But for the beginning, we will understand whether such a product is like yeast harmful and why it is necessary to refuse him.

Harmful yeast

In fact, today is not so many completely safe products. To enormous regret, even in vegetables today there is a huge amount of different kinds of pesticides and harmful substances. It is clear that it is impossible to completely refuse them, as from other products that are in the diet of everyone, but the yeast is a component from which a person can refuse without problems, not to the detriment of itself and without special changes in the diet.

It should be understood that yeast is not a useful product and this is confirmed by the mass of experiments, scientific articles and other proven sources. In mass production today, it is chemical trembling, so that the benefits are not accustomed to wait for them.

If you do not believe in all sources, you can simply describe on yourself - your body will tell you whether the yeast is harmful to your body and how it reacts to this product.

In any case, bread without yeast and cooked at home is much more useful and tastier than the purchase option.

Delicious recipe

In order for your experiment to prepare without cutting bread from the first time, it is necessary to use a proven recipe. So, for a start, find out all the ingredients that we need to prepare bread without yeast:

  • Purified water
  • Whole-grain flour
  • Rye flour
  • Honey
  • Seeds
  • Raisin
  • Seasoning
  • Ground herbs
  • Margarine
  • sesame

It is clear that there is in the list of additives that are optional, so here you can also experiment a little and add something, to remove something.

Consider today step by step process of baking bread without yeast and on Zakvask. It is clear that with the preparation of the crepe of the crew to the cook in any case, it will have to be tinted, but it does not go anywhere, especially since it is worth it and in the end you will be satisfied with what happens as a result of your efforts.

Of the foregoing, it becomes clear that first in this business will need to be prepared. First of all make bread frivasca. It should be noted that it will be necessary to spend on her cooking for several days:

  • We purchase two kilograms of flour of two types (the ingredients mentioned above in the list).
  • Do not forget to prepare a special packaging to prepare the desired frivors in it. It should be with high sides. To do not too much to bother about this, you can use a jar in two liters.
  • On the first day it will be necessary to pour 150 grams of flour with similar amount of water (it is desirable to be warm).
  • We mix the ingredients, after which we cover the container with the ingredients with a rag and leave until tomorrow.
  • The next day, we get our future starter. If you find bubbles on the surface - everything goes according to plan. Now add 150 grams of rye flour and pour them with the same amount of hot water boiled. Leave in a warm place.
  • The next day, bubbles on the surface will be several times more, and Zakawas will become twice as much in size. But on this process of cooking, the starter does not end.
  • The next stage is adding 150 grams of rye flour, again we fill with water and leave again until the next day.

  • Now Zakvash is ready, and for the preparation of one bread bread you will need only half it. The second part can be slightly filing and leave for long storage. After that, we close the container tightly and put in a cold place.

Cooking oparu:

  • We take a starter and add 150 ml of hot water. There is a spoonful of sugar and unforgettly about rye flour.
  • Cover the tank with a towel and leave in a dark place for a while. Opara remains alone for 12 hours. The consistency of this composition is like sour cream.

Now we prepare the dough:

  • Opara sat down, now time to prepare the dough. To opara need to add herbs of various types and raisins.
  • There we also add more wheat flour (in the number of three glasses). It uses wholemeal flour.
  • The next step is to wash your oath and turn it into the dough. We leave it for another 12 hours.
  • It remains quite a bit - a cooked dough laying on a baking sheet, pre-lubricating oil. Do it better in a special form.

Usually bread bakes at a temperature of 180 degrees for 60 minutes (depends on the type of oven, its power and temperature indicators). The bread is extremely soft, tasty and fragrant. Bon Appetit!

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