Romanov Dynasty - Scheme with Dates of Board

Romanov Dynasty - Scheme with Dates of Board

With death in 1584, Ivan IV of Grozny, and in 1598, the last remaining alive, his son, Fyodor I, ceased to the Moscow branch of the ancient royal genus Rurikovich. Far descendants of Rurikovich, impostors and foreigners began to apply for the throne, the board of all of them lasted. And in 1613, Mikhail Fedorovich came to the throne (the far branch of Rurikovich) at the throne. Mikhail's father was also replaced by the surname of Zakarov, and became Romanov. So the king appeared from the genus Romanov - Mikhail Fedorovich.

Tsar Mikhail Fedorovich Romanov

Mikhail Fedorovich was elected Russian to know the throne in March 1613, he was 16 years old. Rules until his death in July 1645. The predecessor of Romanova was Prince Lithuanian Vladislav IV.

So far, Mikhail was a minor, the country's country of the young king, and from 1619 the Board continued with the Father, the Patriarch Filaret, who returned from the captivity.

Important events at the Board of Mikhail Fedorovich:

  • 1617 - ended the Russian-Swedish war.
  • 1621 - the first Russian newspaper was released.
  • 1632 - opened the first cast iron plants in Tula, and on the manufacture of weapons.
  • 1631-34 g. - Old troops are transformed into new, like foreign.
  • 1632-34 - War with Poland, and termination of it on unprofitable conditions.

Tsar Alexey Mikhailovich, Son Mikhail Fedorovich

Years of the reign of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich, nicknamed silent, 1645-1676.

Events in the country for the Board of Alexey Mikhailovich:

  • 1648 - the end of the war with the Roman Empire, lasting 30 years.
  • 1648-54 GG - the reform of the army on the Russian model.
  • 1654-67 GG - Russian-Polish war.
  • 1667 - Don Cossack uprising of Stepan Razin led.

King Theodore III A.

Son of Alexei Mikhailovich, Prince Fedor, took the throne at age 15, after his father's death. He was in poor health, and died in the 20th year. During his reign - 1676-1682.

Events that took place during the reign of Fyodor III Alexeevich:

  • 1678 - census.
  • 1676-81 GG - a war with the Ottoman Empire, it was the result of the acquisition of Russia in Kiev and the Left-Bank Ukraine.

King Ivan V, Queen Sophia and Russian Emperor Peter I

When Theodore III died reins board state switched to the two minor brothers 16-year-old Ivan V and 10-year-old Peter I from Alexis Mikhailovich second wife.

For years, the Board of Ivan V 1682-96 GG considered, but due to poor health, he almost ruled the country until 1689 in fact ruled the country the queen Sofia, Elder sister of Ivan V, and the Peter when I was 17 years old, he started to govern the country itself, and Sophia sent to a monastery. When Sophia continued the war with the Ottoman Empire, were repeated trips to the Russian Crimea and Turkish fortress of Azov, were unsuccessful.

Tsar Peter I ruled Russia until his death February 8, 1725.

Marks the date in the country during the reign of Peter I, who became the Great:

  • 1696 - march to the fortress of Azov, capture it, and the beginning of construction of a new southern port of Taganrog.
  • 1699 - went into the water the first Russian large ship.
  • 1700 - the conclusion of peace with the Turks, and the recognition of Russia Azov.
  • 1700 - the beginning of the war with Sweden, which lasted for 21 years. The result of the war was to expand the boundaries of the Russian state, joining the Baltic States, part of Karelia, the Baltic Sea.
  • From 1702 to the petitions indicated peasants names instead of nicknames.
  • 1710-13 GG - The Ottoman Empire declares war on Russia, was lost Azov.
  • 1716 - march to the east of Russia and the foundation of Omsk.
  • Since 1721 Russia became known as the Great Russian Empire, and the king - emperor.
  • 1722-23 GG - a campaign of the Caspian Sea and the accession of land there.

Under Peter I in Moscow, Tula, the Urals, opens new steel, gunpowder, glass, linen factories, workers are required here, which are drawn from peasant families forcibly.

Catherine I, second wife Peter I, Emperor Peter II

Catherine I, A Lutheran from the Baltic family, early left an orphan, adopted Orthodox Christianity and was baptized Catherine, ruled the country 1725-27, GG, but virtually all disposed of Field Marshal Menshikov. Catherine I died at 43 years old, fell ill with pneumonia, bequeathed the throne to his grandson Peter I.

Peter II Emperor - son Prince Alexei and Princess of Brunswick, came to the throne at age 11, to 14 years died, ill with smallpox. During the reign of 1727-1730.

Empress Anna Ioannovna, Emperor John IV Antonovich

Anna Joannovna, Ivan V daughter, who was married to the Duke of Kurlyandsky, and widowed, were invited to rule the Russian nobles.

During the reign of Anna Ioannovna (1730-40), everyone fought her favorite biron, and this period of time was named bironovshchina:

  • In 1730, the hidden office began to work, consistent with more than 20 thousand people in Siberia and Kamchatka.
  • All high posads occupied the Germans.
  • In 1736, the campaign of the Russian troops under the command of miniha at Perekop, the capture of Bakhchisaraya, the fortress of Azov.
  • 1737 - Showlessness.
  • 1736-38 g. - defeated Khanate in the Crimea.

Sickwall, and feeling an ambulance, Anna Johnnna taught the Russian throne of his sister Ekaterina Mecklenburg, who had just gave birth to the infant John IV Antonovich, when managing biron.

Emperor, John IV Antonovich It was considered 1 year (1740-1741), then Elizabeth Petrovna, the daughter of Peter I, overthrew him, and he spent his whole life (23 years old) in a single prison, where he was killed by Catherine II guards.

Empress Elizabeth Petrovna

Elizabeth Petrovna - daughter Peter and Catherine first, rules by Russia 1741-61, to his death.

During its reign, the following happened:

  • In 1740-43 - The beginning of the development of the part of the land of the present Kazakhstan.
  • 1744 - the number of elementary schools for rich children, gymnasiums increased by country, the opening of Moscow University passed.
  • 1744-47 g. - Census of the population for the second time.
  • 1754 - the internal customs duties introduced during the birone were removed from the merchants; Trading revived, the first banks opened.
  • With Elizabeth, Petrovna was canceled by the death penalty, but the punishment of peasants and soldiers was encouraged.
  • 1756-63 G.G. - Russia's participation in the seven-year war for the colony, the announcement of the war between Germany and Russia, with the shortest victory of the Russians, and the taking of military warehouses in Berlin.

Emperor Peter III, Empress Ekaterina II

After Elizabeth, Petrovna Prestol took Peter III, the grandson of Peter I from the daughter of Anna, the former married in Germany. The invited to the reign Lutheran Carl accepted Orthodoxy, and was baptized by Peter. The rules of the country he is not long, just 1 year (1761-62), was overthrown and killed by his wife's supporters, Catherine II.

Catherine II, named Great, Lutherana from Prussia, after baptism - Ekaterina, rules of 1762-96. Married aged 16 for the heir to the Russian throne of Peter III, which turned 17 years old.

Dates that are remembered for centuries under the Board of Catherine II:

  • The territory of Russia was divided into provinces.
  • Predasted great importance to education.
  • The borders of the state increased, the land was attached along the Black Sea coast, Novorossia, the Azov region, the Land of modern Belarus, the Baltic States.
  • There were about 7 million people in Russia, and 90% of them are serfs.
  • 1762-64 G.G. - a manifesto is published, which lists a number of benefits for migrants for free lands, so the German, Greek settlements in the Volga region appeared, in Ukraine.
  • 1764 - Opened Smolensk Institute for Rich Baryshny.
  • 1768 - new hospitals opened, began to make vaccinations from smallpox.
  • 1773-75 g. - The peasant uprising led by Emelyan Pugachev, which swept the Volga region and part of Siberia. The uprising was invented, and the rights of the peasants deteriorated even more.

Emperor Paul I.

Paul I is the son of Ekaterina Great and Peter III, took the throne after the death of the mother when he was 42 years old. Rules for the country 1796-1801 Immediately began to break orders headed by the mother.

  • 1797 - Decree of the ban edit to women, now the crown could only be transferred from the Father to the Son.
  • In the same year, the manifesto on the work of peasants on the barbecine for 3 days a week (it used to be more days).
  • The prices of bread and salt have decreased.
  • An uniforms were introduced in the army along the Prussian pattern, a sinel appeared.

Pavlo I with the daughter of Friedrich II, Princess Sophia, was baptized in Orthodoxy Maria Fedorovna, there were 10 children.

I had a few attempts on Paul I, and in one of them he was killed sleeping.

Emperor Alexander I - Senior Son Paul I

Alexander I, on nicknamed blessed, took the Russian throne after the death of his father, he was 24 years old, ruled by Russia of 1801-25 G., from the first days they led public affairs, as in Catherine II.

Memorable dates that occurred at the Board of Alexander I:

  • The beginning of military reform, which consists in military settlements and self-sustaining themselves with everything necessary.
  • 1808-09 - War with Sweden, the result of it was the lands of the Aland Islands and Finland, which passed to Russia.
  • 1806-12 g. - War with Turks.
  • 1804-13 g. - Persian war.
  • 1812 Patriotic War with France, and the victory of Russia.
  • Earth is attached to Russia: part of the Caucasus, Bessarabia, part of Poland.

The emperor died in Taganrog with unexplained circumstances, testifying the Russian throne younger brother Nikolai.

Emperor Nicholas I - the ninth child of Paul I

Nicholas I became the ruler of the state in 29 years, the years of the Board 1825-55.

Memorable Dates at the Board of Nicholas I:

  • 1825 - the uprising of the Decembrists and the cruel suppression of it.
  • 1826-28. - War with Persion and accession to Russian lands of Eastern Armenia.
  • 1828-29. - War with Turkey for the free promotion of the Russian fleet in the southern seas.
  • 1830-31 g. - uprising on Polish lands owned by Russia.
  • 1837 - built the first railway canvas in the royal village.
  • 1851 - Built railway track from St. Petersburg to Moscow.
  • 1853-56 g. - Crimean war, and the death of the sovereign from the cold.

Emperor Alexander II - Senior Son Nicholas I

Alexander II, nicknamed the Liberator, was planted on the throne after the death of his father, at the age of 37 years, the Board falls on 1855-81. Alexander II accepted an empty state treasury after the unsuccessful Crimean War, and began his board with the strengthening of the world between Russia and the powers that his predecessors fought, and reforms fought.

Under Alexandra II, the following events took place:

  • 1857 - Military settlements are eliminated.
  • 1861 - canceled serfdom.
  • 1867 - United States was sold to Alaska.
  • New lands of the current Central Asia and the Far East are attached to the Russian lands.

And even though the sovereign had liberal views on the country's rule, they grew discontent, and in 1878-81 G. A few attempts have been made to his life, the latter turned out to be fatal.

Emperor Alexander III - the second son of Alexander II

Alexander III received the Russian throne after the death of his father, at the age of 36 years, rules for the country in 1881-94, due to the fact that during his board there was no war, named the peacemaker. Alexander III from the very beginning tightened a liberal policy, which was with his father.

  • 1887 - the unsuccessful attempt by the revolutionaries to the life of the sovereign, among which was Alexander Ulyanov (revolutionaries were hanged).
  • Under Alexander III, the development of the industry is a large pace (cast iron, steel, coal and oil production).

Alexander III died in Livadia, being on treatment with the whole family, from kidney disease (jade) in 49 years.

Emperor Nicholas II - Senior Son Alexander III

Nicholas II was elected to the Russian throne after the death of his father, he was 26 years old, years of government 1894-1917.

His reign was marked:

  • Unprecedented economic growth
  • Two revolutions (1905-07, 1917)
  • Expansion of the territory in the Far East
  • Japanese war

Due to the last revolution, the Romanov dynasty was overthrown with the throne, and the whole family of Nicholas II was sent to the link, to Tobolsk, and in 1918 he was shot in Yekaterinburg. In 2000, all the ever-shot members of the Emperor's family, the Russian Orthodox Church, are attributed to the Famine of Saints.

Dynasty of the Roman Rules of Russia by a little over 300 years. The descendants of the Romanovs live and now abroad, their recognized having titles, about 200 people.

Video: Tsarskaya Families Families

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