When the serfdom was canceled

When the serfdom was canceled

For several centuries in Russia, the fortress system opened. History of Refining the Peasant People beret Start in 1597, then the Orthodox obedience was a mandatory defense of state borders and interests, precaution from the attack of the enemy, even if even way Self-sacrifice. The sacrificial service concerned the peasant, and the nobleman, and the king.

V 1861 in Russia canceled serfdom. Alexander II was decided on such a responsible step at the field of conscience. His reform acts partly We were the merit of the teacher-mentor Vasily Zhukovsky, who sought to go in the soul of the future emperor humanity, kindness and honor. When the emperor inherited the throne, the teachers were no longer there, but morals were firmly in mind, and Alexander II followed the call of heart. It is worth noting, the nobility did not encourage intention ruler, which made it difficult to accept reforms. Mudrom and the Good Ruler had to constantly look for a balance between noble opposition and peasant disapproval.

Weak naming On the abolition of serfdom was observed before. At the end of the XVII century, Emperor Paul I introduced three-day Barshina, which did not allow to exploit the fortress peasants more three days a week. But then The law was incorrect, then The idea turned out to be ineffective - gradually the exploitation of unwitting work returned to the ravis. When Count Razumovsky appealed to the king with a request to the liberation of 50,000 of its serf workers, the ruler issued a decree, which was allowed by the release of subaneren in the event that the parties agreed mutual benefits. Almost over 60 years, the will received 112,000 peasants, of which 50 thousand freed Count Razumovsky. Laying years It turned out that the nobility prefers to enter the plans for improving public life, and without making attempts to embody the idea of \u200b\u200blife.

Innovative laws of Nikolai I allowed to freely serfs without endowment by their land plot, which could be obtained way Performances specified duties. As a result of the required peasants, 27 thousand during the reign of Nikolai I prepared reforms and collected materials to stabilize public law. Continued and implemented the idea of \u200b\u200bAlexander II. The wise emperor acted slowly, gradually preparing the highest society and oppositionists to the need to eradicate the serf system. He gave nobles to understand that the first disobediences apply like a virus, and better to begin Eradication from above, rather than allowing the split from the inside.

When The approving reaction was not followed, the ruler organized the Committee, where measures were discussed by establishing the vital pace of fortress peasants. Committee members tried to warn brave from making radical solutions. A number of effective decisions were developed, which pushed landlords to mutual actions in favor of the liberation of peasants and the abolition of serfdom. There was ahead more a lot of work and coordination of innovations in legislation both with the highest ranks and socially disadvantaged Citizens.

ISTPRIALEKSKONATION Alexander 2 in the Assumption Cathedral

The serf system has long passed cleaning from laws that violate the human right to freedom. On February 19, 1861, Alexander II managed to finally get rid of serfdom and gradually introduce a new system aimed at improving the life of the people without a division on landowners and serfs.

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