Contests for the New Year 2019 - New Year's games

Contests for the New Year 2019 - New Year's games

That's about and in the door to us will knock on the new 2019 year. To spend fun and unforgettable it, we have prepared a selection of excellent New Year's games and contests.

Competition "Congratulate on the alphabet"

The competition is that each present from the guests delivered toast alphabetically, for example:

  • Letter A: And I want to drink for a wonderful new year.
  • Letter B: awake friends! Very soon the new year!
  • Letter in: Let's drink for our friendly company! Etc.

Especially fun will be when it will be necessary to tell the toast on the letters, p, b, b. The prize receives the one who utters the most funny and original toast.

Game "Choose from the situation"

Present guests are divided into two teams. One team makes another situation and asks her tricky questions. The second team should answer all the questions and find the most optimal option out of the situation. An example of situations:

  • You woke up on the island where gigantic insects live. From your girlfriend you have cigarettes, tape, sugar, skates, matches, belt.
  • During the flight, the pilot and half of the passengers disappears on the plane.
  • You go out and understand that besides you in this city there is no one.

That team wins, which will give the most detailed and real solution to the situation.

The game "Unexpected Surprise"

This game needs to be prepared in advance.

  1. Take ordinary balls.
  2. On paper, write a variety of tasks and shove them into the ball.
  3. Then the ball inflate and tie.
  4. Guests in turn blast liked the ball and fully perform the task.

Job examples:

  • Tell the verse
  • Stand up on a stool and sing a Christmas song
  • Drink to the bottom of the wine glass
  • Eat 4 lemon slices without sugar
  • Dance dance

Game "Folk Stylist"

A bag with different old clothes is prepared in advance: hats, bows, swimwear, tights, shorts, you can take national clothes. At the beginning of the game is chosen by DJ. All guests are in a circle and to the music passes a bag of hand in hand. As soon as DJ stops music, a person who has a bag in his hands, should despite the bag, get something from clothes and put on himself. The game continues until the bag becomes empty. Ultimately, very funny robes are obtained.

Game "verse"

Each of the participants of the game is given a leaflet with a verse of Nekrasov "Once in the student winter time ...". The task is that the poem is read in one of the intonations:

  • Recognition of the second half in unearthly love
  • Football commentator
  • Speaker of the USSR radio
  • The judge reads his verdict
  • Notation of the director, schoolboy who broke the ball

All these games will freeze you and your guests, distract from the annual eating Olivier and add bright colors in the New Year's feast.

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