Where to celebrate New Year 2019

Where to celebrate New Year 2019

The new year is a holiday that is looking forward to everyone from a little child to an old grandparents. And I want to meet him so that it was what to remember the entire next year.

New Year 2019 home-friendly

For many new year, this is a family holiday and meet it from year to year in the circles of family and close friends. And this year it will be one of the most correct solutions. After all, the mistress of 2019 is a pig - a creature, which is very valuable home comfort and family warmth.

But this does not mean sure to sit at home all evening. You can get out of friends to the main Christmas tree of the city, frozen a little cheek, pay and sing your favorite songs. At the same time, capture with you more mandarin and champagne.

For the new year in neighboring countries

If you are in kind of not able to sit in one place, but you can not have wide financial opportunities, you can go for holidays to the countries of the nearest abroad. Among them I would like to note:

  • Latvia;
  • Lithuania;
  • Belorussia;
  • Georgia;
  • Estonia.

In each of them, New Year's holidays are celebrated with a gorgeous scope, but at the same time have their own unique traditional notes.

  1. Latvia, for example, for the new year becomes incredibly beautiful, as if her good wizard was over. Each city and every street is evolving a variety of lights. The sidewalks are charming Christmas trees in Kadushka, and around the atmosphere of joy and happiness reigns. The first impression that really got into a fairy tale.
  2. For those who want to meet the New Year twice, try the delicious pasta biscuits, bring home the souvenir figurine of a pipeline for happiness, it is worth going to Estonia.
  3. In addition to the new year in the country, paradise for shopaholics. In stores the most height of discounts and stocks, you can put on half cheaper than usual.

New Year 2019 in European

Wishing to celebrate New Year's holidays in Europe, Poland will be an excellent option. Climatic conditions almost do not differ from ours. But the festivities are unique and in their own way original. New Year's meeting is enchanting enchanting, with the rivers of champagne and Gzhanz, fireworks, riding a sleigh and many other fun. In many cities, bright carnivals, costume balls, draws, contests and other entertainment events are held.

Charming on New Year's weekend is the Czech Republic. Vintage streets and houses are decorated with sparkling illumination and sprigs of mistletoe. Such twigs can be obtained as a gift. There is a belief that they bring happiness for the entire subsequent year.

New Year's weekend among mountain ranges

More and more tourists for New Year's holidays are sent to ski resorts. The most popular tours to Austria, Switzerland, Italy. There are directed both professionals and very newcomers. On the Alpine slopes, everyone will find their path, corresponding to the lubricated style of riding.

If the family budget is a little pressed, you can pick up a more budget ski tour to Turkey. The weekend held there will cost about 20% cheaper than at a similar ski resort of Europe. In terms of quality, rest is not inferior to European.

New Year 2019 at sea

If you managed to boring snow-covered streets and pinching frosts, then you can go to one of the warm countries. It costs the celebration there is much more expensive, but it is worth it. Imagine when the wind is furious outside the window, the Metelitsa all lists it with snow, and at the same time, do not bother on the snow-white sand of one of the beaches.

The list of popular resort directions lead:

  • Thailand;
  • Egypt;
  • Seychelles and Maldives;
  • India;
  • Canary Islands.

In each of these countries, the new year is celebrated in their own way, but still fun and pompous. Carnagles, costume parties, a variety of shows, contests and many other original events are held.

However, wherever the holiday is celebrated, the most important thing is to enter the year coming in a beautiful mood, with rainbow thoughts and desires and among good people. No wonder there is a belief - "As the New Year will meet, so I will spend it."

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