How did Valentine's Day

How did Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day is one of the touching holidays, which makes it possible to safely confess their feelings. Moreover, on February 14, his flame feelings in the heart can be expressed on paper, sending the object of love Valentine. People of all ages at this festive day express their feelings with flowers, gifts and actions. He is celebrated by those who are in the search, and those who have already gained their love. But here to answer the question where this holiday came from and why he was so safely saved in our country, maybe not everyone. Let us plunge into history and find out the value and history of this holiday.

How to appear Valentine's Day - the love of all centuries are submissive

There is no little evidence confirming the existence of a holiday prototype in ancient Rome. In order to increase the birth rate in ancient Rome, a kind of erotic festival - Luprekali was invented. Every year he passed on February 14th. On the day of the festival, Junon was honored - the goddess of motherhood and marriage. According to ancient tradition, all unmarried girls lowered to the basket recorded on the parchment card with their own names. The idle men pulled lots, thereby choosing a companion for the current year.

The next day after the festival, the beautiful young men were held and ran naked on the streets, whipped by belts of counter girls. The young beauties themselves have not seen anything in the ritual. Beauties, on the contrary, threw out clothes and willingly substituted under the belts.

Such pagan holidays were characteristic not only for the Roman Empire. In England, until the end of the XV century, there was a similar tradition. Bachelor pull out the scrapbook with names, blindly choosing a cohabitant for a year.

How to appear Valentine's Day - Saint Valentine

The heavenly patron at the day of all the lovers appeared only in 496. Since the year, the Roman dad has proclaimed Valentine's Day on February 14. But by whom was Saint Valentin and why in honor of him called the holiday? There are several versions telling about the life of the patron saint of all loving hearts.

According to one version, Valentine's version, by order of Emperor, Claudia entered into prison for healing patients with the help of God's power. Despite imprisonment, people daily transferred him notes with a request to help in healing. One day a note with a call for help fell into a guard. He read it, asked Valentine to heal his blind daughter. The doctor agreed.

By giving, Valentine was a fairly beautiful man. Peres, the girl saw in front of him a beautiful young man, in which he immediately fell in love. But this story has a dramatic junction. According to legend, Valentina executed February 14. Knowing about his approaching treasury, Valentine wrote and sent notes with recognition in love with his beloved and relatives.

On another legend, the saint patron was a Roman priest who lived in the III century BC. According to the traditions of that time, the soldiers were forbidden to marry. The emperor Claudius believed that women interfere with the soldiers to fight and defend their homeland.

Contrary to the ban, the priest Valentin walked in love, for which he was sentenced to the emperor Claudius to the death penalty. Being imprisoned, the young priest fell in love with the daughter of the prison warder. The feelings between young people were mutual. But that Valentin loves her, the girl learned only after his death. On the night of February 14, the priest wrote a beloved beautiful love confession on a piece of paper. The morning Valentine was beheaded. Today, vintage postcards are very popular. Many young people independently make them with their own hands to prevent their second half.

How the Valentine's Day appeared - the geography of the holiday

Valentine's Day with special scope is celebrated in Catholic countries. In the UK, USA and France, the day of all lovers has become a national holiday.

In Japan, on the day of all lovers, it is not customary to give flowers. Men give their second halves chocolate figures, and they reward them with some interesting crafts.

In Muslim countries, this holiday is prohibited. For example, in Saudi Arabia for Valentine can be fined.

In Russia, Valentine's Day began to be celebrated from the middle of the two thousandths. The holiday went well enough in our country. On this day, it is customary to give flowers, chocolate, dear gifts and confess in love.

However, our country does not rush away from Valentine's Day. Now the alternative to this holiday is the day of love, family and loyalty, celebrated in our country on July 8.

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