Insurance rating for 2016

Insurance rating for 2016

Despite the negative trends that dominate the insurance market in Russia, there are still a number of companies showing a stable result. There is such a concept as the level of reliability, and it is worth choosing those insurers who have this level a ++ is extremely high, or a + is very high. Companies that have fallen into these lists deserve the attention of insurers, and their leaders are recommended for cooperation.
So, we present the top five leaders!


It is the first among all others at once in two main indicators: this is the magnitude of insurance premiums, when the contract and the amount of payments on various insurance cases are. Also Rosgosstrakh is the leader in the number of branches. His plus is accessibility. Among the minuses - some clients celebrated a long sentence of payments.

VTB insurance

The company has been working since 2000 and has earned many positive feedback. Although the cost of services is high enough, the quality fully justifies the price.


Founded in 1991. At the moment it has more than 760 points of sale, in the state of 19,000 agents, more than 100 types of insurance services, more than 10 million customers. Among the minuses marked the low dimensions.

Insurance group SOGAZ

In its composition, 9 insurance agencies operating in the Russian Federation and over its borders. Is the second in terms of insurance premiums. Disadvantage - imposing additional services.

SG alfactory

Provides universal packages for physical and legal entities. He has been working since 1992, has a huge client base. Reviews differ. Some notes the underestimated level of compensation, others, on the contrary, note that reimbursement more than was required.

Daily insurance ratings are updated and replenished. Probably, it is not necessary to recommend to chase the cheapness, because sometimes, saving 1000 rubles., You can lose a million. You need to look for an optimal price / quality ratio. However, by choosing one of the above companies, it is possible to hope with a high proportion to hope for a favorable outcome of the case.

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