"Capacan for the legs", "punishment of kings," "Surgery of wealth" ... All this is a disease of the gout, striking the burdensome people since the times of the hippocracy. This ailment was regarded as a fee for a rampant lifestyle conducted in drunkenness and eating a large number of food. Today it is not very frequent illness and is diagnosed not more than three people out of a thousand. But those who had to face gout suffer from unbearable pain and limited movement.
What is the gout - the mechanism of development and causes
Gout - joint disease, provoked by the metabolic disorder and pathological accumulation of salts. It is striking all the joints and flows in chronic form.
Gout develops gradually. In the first stages there are accumulation of purines in the body. This happens for two reasons. In the first case, there is an excessive admission of purines into the body with some food products, and the kidney is not able to display them in a timely manner. In another case, a person feeds normally, and Purines come in permissible quantities, but the kidneys work infertifable and cannot clean the blood.
Over time, the concentration of purines increases, active deposition in the joints of the urate crystals (salts of uric acid, which, in turn, is formed during the decay of purines). As a result, the joint under the influence of the formed crystals begins to collapse.
In addition to overeating, other factors can also provoke the gout:
- Sedentary lifestyle.
- Genetic predisposition.
- Excess weight.
- Age after 40 years.
Important! The gout manifestation occurs when the level of uric acid exceeds 60 mg per 1 liter of blood.
The sharp increase in uric acid causes the following products:
- young meat;
- all alcohol;
- fat meat dishes;
- tomatoes;
- sub-products (especially liver);
- legumes;
- spread, creamy and palm oil;
- caviar;
- broths.
On a note! It is impossible to recover from the gout and the only thing that remains is to hold the disease within the framework of remission.
How the gout is manifested - specific symptoms
At first, the gout flows hidden. Urates can accumulate decades in the joints without causing a person discomfort. In 80% of cases, the gout does not develop until the end of life, and only 20% begins the sharp stage.
The first signs of the disease are the appearance of painful growths on the joints, so-called tofuses. But very quickly the patient's condition deteriorates:
- There is unbearable pain in the inflamed joint (either in the evening or in the morning).
- The joint and nearby fabrics swell, blush, become hot to the touch.
- Temperature (up to 38 ° C and higher) increases sharply.
- The patient feels chills, weakness, he does not want to eat.
- The exacerbation can last from 3 days to several weeks. Then there is a period of rest until the next bout.
Important! First, the gout affects only one joint, for example, a thumb or arms, less often knee. Over time, the number of sick joints increases.
Gout - Diagnostic Methods
More than 90% of patients with gout are a man's half of the population aged 40 to 60 years. Women rarely get sick, and, as a rule, the gout develops during menopause.
To distinguish the gout from other diseases of the joints on inspection is difficult, therefore such clinical studies are carried out:
- General and biochemical blood test, urins (this allows you to determine inflammation and level of uric acid).
- Bakposposev synovial fluid from tufus (when the pathogenic flora is dissatisfied).
- Radiography of the affected joint (to exclude the deformation of the joint).
- Ultrasound diagnostics (gives an assessment of the degree of destruction of the joint).
- Tomography (to clarify the dubious diagnosis).
Understanding what gout is allowed to understand the patient in time than he is sick and contact the right person. After all, many years are engaged in self-medication, thinking that they have age arthritis or rheumatism, and in the meantime, the joints and drive to disability destroy them.