What is koumiss?

What is koumiss?

Koumiss is the most beloved drink of the inhabitants of Central Asia. Many consider it a panacea from all diseases, so they use koumiss daily. Its beneficial properties help to fight infections, tuberculosis sticks, an increased level of cholesterol, etc.

What are koumiss made of?

This drink is made of mare or goat milk. Recently, cow's milk began to be used. But such a product in such a product is much smaller than in classic koumiss, which is obtained by alcohol and lactic acid fermentation. The drink has a rich, sweet taste. As a rule, they drink it in a hot season to restore strength.

How is the drink useful?

Koumiss is also called “living water”, since after its use, a person’s performance increases, and fatigue leaves. It is allowed to drink from an early age to strengthen immunity. Koumiss is appreciated for such useful properties:

  • reduces cholesterol;
  • helps to fight with excess weight and obesity;
  • improves the work of the cardiovascular system;
  • increases appetite (it is especially recommended to people who have been transferred to a protracted disease);
  • normalizes sleep;
  • calms the nervous system (the drink must be drunk with depression and stress);
  • he treats diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (Koumiss must be included in the diet to patients with gastritis and ulcer, but not during the exacerbation).

The rejuvenating properties of koumiss

Many women fell in love with koumiss that it helps to prevent premature skin aging. It will be an excellent tonic substitute. In the morning and evening, it is necessary to wipe your face with a cotton pad moistened with koumiss and after a couple of weeks, you can see the result. In addition to anti -aging procedures, Koumiss use:

  • for the prevention of hair loss;
  • treatment of skin rashes (especially in adolescence);
  • elimination of oily shine on the face;
  • healing of wounds and scratches.

How to cook a drink at home?

Koumiss, which is sold in stores, has absolutely no above useful properties. Most likely, this is a drink that taste a little like home koumiss. There are a lot of recipes. Here is one of them:

  • 3 gr. yeast must be diluted in a glass of boiled water;
  • enter 2 teaspoons of sugar into the water and mix well so that the sugar completely dissolves;
  • add the finished water in 1 liter. sour milk;
  • pour the drink into a glass container and leave to wander for 2 days.

Many people claim that after constant use of koumiss, their health has improved significantly. They ceased to get sick with infectious diseases, cholesterol was normalized. But the drink is not recommended if there is individual intolerance.

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